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Threads (8):
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, 320x240, Japanese) [_] I am feeling quite patriotic today. All rise for our national anthem. Anon 2558441 >> [_] Anon 2558473 >># ....by the.just.what. i kekd hard but i also wanted to cry. it's like tragic comedy. >> [_] Anon 2558522 People can devolve into beasts? If it wasn't enough with furries. Or maybe they originated from this process. >> [_] Anon 2558525 why the fuck is there that song in the background? >> [_] Anon 2558555 i'd go to one of these to feel better about myself >> [_] Anon 2558561 I hate the south.
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Gode bless America Anon 2227653 Wow Much patriot #National Anthem Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2227659 sauce? >> [_] claycorn 2227722 suuuuweeeeeeeee!!!!!! >> [_] Anon 2227726 lol white people >> [_] Anon 2227759 Let the sweet strains of angels pay tribute to our glorious nation, their voices rising in chorus, an anthem of sublime beauty with the harmonic power to soothe the soul and well up tears of love in the corners of our eyes. Noble singer, let your clarion call summon men and beasts, that the pig might lay down with the farmer and both fall under the enchanting beauty of the human voice. >> [_] Anon 2227773 where was that at Texas? >> [_] Anon 2227775 >White people >Americans >> [_] Anon 2227787 WhatisthisIdonteven >> [_] Anon 2227790 I'm going to assume this is the National Simulated Pig Rape Competition. >> [_] Anon 2227792 AMERICA IS PROUD AMERICA IS BRAVE AMERICA IS NUMBER ONE *crys eagles*
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1875881 Are you ready for the super handegg championship game? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1876086 NOPE
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, Loop) [_] American_Leisure Anon 1868801 All of my huehue Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1868838 what the fuck is this what the FUCK >> [_] Anon 1868846 >># Can't handle the FREEDOM? >> [_] Anon 1868871 my god >> [_] Anon 1868890 'MURICA! >> [_] Anon 1868893 To you people above me, have you never been on a farm? Do you not know how much ruckus a loose pig can get ya? >> [_] Anon 1868898 Saying that this defines America is like saying that Rainboom Crash represents Bronies. To an extent, you're right and wrong, but regardless of being right or wrong, you still hate the faction with a burning passion deep within your heart that consumes everything forever and makes you want to take a SPAS-12 and go on a murderous killing spree. Welcome to my country folks. I'll be handing out ammunition shortly. >> [_] Anon 1868901 My nipples are so raw from this... Felt so good... >> [_] Anon 1868975 How is there an audience for this. Why is there applause. I can't understand this what the fuck? >> [_] Anon 1868980 Iams American. We do this all times exspecially after we fuck our sister-cousins in da ripe pussy fucking hole, Yee howdy Merica
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, Japanese) [_] Anon 1820798 Yeah, I believe it. Way to go America. >> [_] Anon 1820803 My sides explode every time. >> [_] Anon 1820807 those fucking sunglasses >> [_] Anon 1820842 I'm horrified. >> [_] Anon 1820847 Imagine in that in the future, the only thing left of our civilization is this video >> [_] Anon 1820872 SuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Pigpigpigpigpigpigpigpigpigpigpigpig *Squeals erratically* >> [_] Anon 1820877 I read this as American_Literature and lol'd far harder. >> [_] Anon 1820880 so they are impersonating...themselves...? >> [_] Anon 1820898 Fuckin lost it at the lady >> [_] Anon 1820947 Yup ok, so the video is fat pigs.
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, Loop) [_] gotta go __ Anon 1780687 >> [_] Anon 1780690 potty >> [_] Anon 1780702 what the actual fuck >> [_] Anon 1780711 Can I find this actual video on youtube? >> [_] Anon 1780739 >># It's called "yfw americans clap after making pig noises" >> [_] Anon 1780743 Crapped my pants. >> [_] Anon 1780744 Welcome to america ladies and gentleman. The downslope of humanity. >> [_] Anon 1780753 >># Not America, it's just the south. That's the part of America that never truly developed. >> [_] Anon 1780770 >># here >># I actually have to agree to ya. Why? "The fact is the poor whites of the south are not so well informed as boy ten years old in the north and have not much more judgement." - Unknown soldier from Massachusetts "There are not civilized people in this part of the world, they are worse than our hogs and cattle at the north" - Charles B. Quick Srg. 3rd New York Artillery This section comes from ""I Am Not So Patriotic as I Was Once": The Effects of Military Occupation on the Occupying Union Soldiers during the Civil War" and is about people that lives in south of the US I AM ALL SCIENCE-Y AND SHIT
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1776469 Season one was better. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1776496 bretty good :--D >> [_] Anon 1776502 i am drunk by 2 year old beer, and i have to say, ..... i can´t find the right words to tell how hard i puke >> [_] Anon 1776505 wut >> [_] Anon 1776509 just kidding :D expiry date was 2010 .... taste good.... but lightly furry >> [_] Anon 1776513 My favorite is the first guy. I wish that was just looped lmfao >> [_] Anon 1776514 DEAR GOD, SOMEONE SLAP A "WHITE PEOPLE" WARNING OVER ALL OF DIS. >> [_] Anon 1776610 Maybe this should be labeled: how your entitled little life seems to go on, even though you do nothing. Staring: the farmers that make it happen. enjoy! you useless fuck... >> [_] Anon 1776619 dear god, what is this? >> [_] A Piggy 1776640 This is shit. >> [_] Anon 1776650 v4c pls go >> [_] Anon 1776686 >># Farmers? You must be shitting me, I'm pretty sure real farmers, the ones that work hard and bust their backs in a field and with the flock all day, are not as a general rule as chubby and outright obese as the creatures they're imitating.
File: American_Leisure.swf-(8.41 MB, Other) [_] here piggy piggy Anon 1767097 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1767210 oh i get it now, the two guys were having a contest to see who sounded the most like a pig and then they brought an actual pig up on stage to compare them to >> [_] Volvox 1767259 Haven't fapped harder in all my life. Thanks OP! >> [_] Anon 1767266 10/10 would recommend. >> [_] CharChar !oDM/YVJ0P2 1767276 How Do you get Fat EVERY WHERE but your lower Fore arm? Quite Odd. |