File: I hate women.swf-(6.56 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] MUH SOGGY KNEE Anonymous 07/30/14(Wed)19:22 No.2470293
>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/14(Wed)19:27 No.2470294
incestial euphoria. Inbreeds get le friendzoned le hardest. I know that feel. <tips hat at you>
>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/14(Wed)19:42 No.2470307
Holy hell that guy's pupils are huge! Is he on drugs?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/14(Wed)19:53 No.2470325
Probably. He grows (or grew, hasn't been seen in like a year) Hawaiian baby woodrose plants to
extract his own LSA and trip.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/14(Wed)20:43 No.2470384
>> [_] Anonymous 07/30/14(Wed)20:58 No.2470411
Sounds as if he may go on one of those American killing sprees soon