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This is resource AP44V5M, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/7 -2014 02:57:29
10.5 years ago.

Ended:13/7 -2014 06:09:00
10.5 years ago.

Checked:13/7 -2014 06:27:33
10.5 years ago.

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 84.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Instant Karma in Brazil.swf-(6.45 MB, 848x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)19:52 No.2449899

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)19:55 No.2449900

  God's work, that guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)19:58 No.2449902

  lel I wonder how his buddy felt

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:04 No.2449905

  the american way

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:06 No.2449907

  I just saw someone get shot today. (checks daily internet list)

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:06 No.2449909

  lol fake as fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:09 No.2449913

  The world cup was the cameraman's motorbike,
  Brazil are the robbers.
  >Brazil is ready take the world cup
  >Germany comes out of no were
  >Germany saves the world cup from Brazil

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:17 No.2449919

  Brazil in a nutshell.
  Really looks like a 3rd world country.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:19 No.2449920


  Third world is much worse.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:20 No.2449923

  So glad that I live in a civilized country and not a shithole.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:25 No.2449929

  If you go to the right parts of Brazil, you'll find that you will be unable to walk a city block
  without getting robbed and shot or find someone fucking a goat screaming "HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHU

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:26 No.2449931

  You fags realize "first" and "third" world doesn't mean shit in terms in economics, right?

  First world countries were ones that allied with the U.S. and NATO during the Cold War. Third
  world countries were ones that were neutral or not aligned with either the U.S. or the Soviets.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:27 No.2449933

  You guys act like this doesn't happen in the U.S. or anywhere else in developed countries

  Detroit exists, ya know

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:28 No.2449936

  >being politically correct

  I know that and I still don't care. Phrases can have their meanings changed. It happens all the

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:29 No.2449938

  I could care less

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:29 No.2449939

  Yeah, but not nearly as often and not on the same scale.
  I don't have to fear this happening everywhere i go like in 3ra7i1

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:31 No.2449941


>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:36 No.2449946

  This guy's right. That's how language works, a word or phrase can be misused long enough to the
  point of its original meaning being forgotten or unknown to most. Look at the word "ironic." And
  fuck it, I like the wrong definition for it better than the right, because there's really no
  other single word to use to convey the misused meaning.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:37 No.2449948

  But that's wrong.

  First world Countries were aligned with the US and Nato, second world countries were aligned with
  the Soviets and third world countries were unaffiliated

  Generally, the first world was economically rich, the second world was in the middle, and the
  third world was poor.
  After the fall of the Soviet union, those terms are used even by political scientists to describe
  economic condition and development because of the meaning they took on.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:38 No.2449950

  i live in brazil and have 0 fear of this happening. the media likes to center on the bad aspects
  and on the crimes, which makes it seem much, much worse than it actually is.

  i know several people who have never been robed in their lives, and the only time i was i was
  pretty much asking for it.

  it's all about knowing where you are, and at what times.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:39 No.2449951

  you're using that term wrong idiot

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:39 No.2449952


>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:39 No.2449954

  why would you possibly think it's fake?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:40 No.2449955

  yeah but every country has its shit cities Brazil is just made up of all of them

  right idea
  he's correct

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:41 No.2449957

  huehue Defence Force pls go

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:41 No.2449958

  also look at the phrase "rule 34"

  it used to mean something completely different than it does now. now it just means "porn of
  western cartoon".

  every rule 34 thread out there, just cartoon porn. no challanges at all.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:43 No.2449960


  Could care less is in there as well. Amerifats ruin everything

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:44 No.2449961

  no, I have never heard it used that way
  everyone I know who knows what R34 is knows it means "if it exists there is porn of it"

>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 07/12/14(Sat)20:45 No.2449962

  and like that, a coppa outta nowhere

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:45 No.2449963

  >Yeah, but not nearly as often and not on the same scale.

  Have you ever been to fucking Detroit?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:46 No.2449964

  :'( muh language

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:46 No.2449965

  >But that's wrong.
  >repeats what he said exactly

  u wot m8

>> [_] •▬• 07/12/14(Sat)20:46 No.2449967

  I love how the replies are all about semantics.

>> [_] Obama 07/12/14(Sat)20:46 No.2449968


>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:47 No.2449970

  re-read that you moron he didn't say the same thing he elaborated on what the original guy said

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:48 No.2449972

  Thanks Obama, what newspapers do you read? All of them?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:48 No.2449973

  And the point of rule 34 was to make up the most ridiculous ideas of whatever that could have
  porn of it and then try to find it, and if it wasn't found, it had to be made.

  Calling something as generic as Pokemon porn "rule 34" is missing the point entirely. It's pretty
  much already known Pokemon porn exists. It's not surprising at all or a challenge to find some.

  I blame that shitty site Paheal.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:48 No.2449974

  meh whatever you say, i'd rather die by a stray bullet at 30 than as morbidly obese brainwashed
  fat fuck with diabetes at 60. at least if the hospital can save me i won't have to indebt myself
  for life to pay for it.

  nice dubs though.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:48 No.2449976

  >meme arrows
  if this is what you consider semantics you must never be able to hold a conversation

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:49 No.2449979

  What, you haven't heard of a coincidence?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:49 No.2449980

  Lurk more before posting.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:49 No.2449981


>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:50 No.2449982

  usually when people ask for R34 of something it's not because they dont know if there's porn of
  it it's because they're too fucking lazy to look for sauce themselves *cough* /f/ *cough*

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:51 No.2449983

  And those people are wrong, your point?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:51 No.2449985

  >if I don't like it it's not news

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:51 No.2449986

  >i was pretty much asking for it



>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:52 No.2449987

  That's the archaic meaning, yes

  Meaning's change over time, chump

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:52 No.2449988

  Meanings change over time if you're a goddamn retard who likes messing with language for no good

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:54 No.2449989


>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:55 No.2449993

  its just that you're not right and not wrong
  you just seem to keep finding conversation with idiots who like to fuck with language

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:56 No.2449996

  Oh shit, I've just been schooled by some internet warrior?

  l2linguistics pls m8

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:58 No.2449997

  You're a sharp one aren't you?
  A coincidence doesn't necessarily have the added implication of (comical) unlikelihood. Saying it
  was a coincidence we were both at the park, isn't quite the same as saying it's ironic that we
  didn't participate in homosexual intercourse.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:58 No.2449998

  >i know several people who have never been robed in their lives
  That doesn't sound too fucking shiny, BRo.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:58 No.2449999

  exactly that's why i'm going to launch a new brand of clothes made entirely of transparent
  plastic bags. you'll be wearing clothes so you can't be arrested and it'll help with "i'm not
  asking for it" movements.

>> [_] •▬• 07/12/14(Sat)20:58 No.2450000

  Why do you think I'm on 4chan, and not out with friends?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:59 No.2450001

  Oh shit he's seen I'm an idiot QUICK ACT LIKE A RETARD!!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)20:59 No.2450002

  Holy fuck, /f/ is bustling today, what the fuck?
  I liked it better when it was slow as hell.

>> [_] •▬• 07/12/14(Sat)20:59 No.2450003

  neat, 50000get

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:00 No.2450005


>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:00 No.2450006

  How is mentioning that linguistics exist acting like a retard?

  I'm not sure what you're doing but I ain't buying

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:01 No.2450007

  those back to back quads

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:02 No.2450009

  >l2linguistics pls m8

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:04 No.2450012

  I was being facetious

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:06 No.2450017

  post more [H]irntot.
  guess that would reduce the posts per minute drastically.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:14 No.2450028

  Also known as fucking retarded.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:16 No.2450033

  The difference between Brazil and USA is that in Brazil are robbers fruit where their weapons are
  knives and bottles, while in united states is organized crime where his booties are great
  fortunes and until could kidnap to your whole family to achieve its goal.
  And do not make me mention the terrorist attacks cof cof 9/11 cof cof

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:17 No.2450035

  >Changing of meanings is retarded!
  >Being facetious is retarded!

  Well aren't you sunshine a lollipops

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:18 No.2450037


>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:18 No.2450038

  Did you type this with a toaster? My God, I can't decipher what the fuck you just said.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:30 No.2450071


  >Implying i'm from US
  >Implying the world resumes to the US

  Stay mad murican faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:33 No.2450078

  -Meanwhile at the Favelas-
  "Martin has been killed by the infamous Gordito!"
  "Fuck Martin, Raul will put that Gordito into the ground! this will be the last time he stops us!"
  "What about little puppet?"
  "Don't look at me little puppet!"

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:36 No.2450082


  >not green text

  Go choke on a dick, faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:37 No.2450085

  Love you too Hun.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:45 No.2450093

  >little puppet

  you spelled Mexico wrong retard.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:51 No.2450097

  >implying you'll be carjacked with other people around in Detroit
  >implying the people getting carjacked aren't idiots who drive into gang controlled neighborhoods

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:52 No.2450099

  Love you too Hun, but stay away from the paint chips.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)21:58 No.2450106

  It's ironic because that's the point he's trying to make. That line makes perfect sense given the
  cultural context.

  It's almost as bad as attacking people for getting grammar wrong. If you know what he means then
  shut the fuck up.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)22:29 No.2450137

  lol nope. Go find it on liveleak, the next couple of minutes are a bunch of Brazilians standing
  around talking and watching this guy die choking on his own blood.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)22:33 No.2450140

  >the only time i was i was pretty much asking for it.
  >it's all about knowing where you are, and at what times

  Or not living in a place where getting robbed is likely no matter where you are. I know of one
  person who even visited Brazil, the household they were staying with robbed at gun point by some
  gang. With the men and women separated they were going to be in for a little rape/murder until
  the assailants got some phone call that spooked them.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)22:35 No.2450145

  That's Great!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)22:37 No.2450147

  That's wrong son, any of those names aren't brazilians names.
  Stupid faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)22:47 No.2450159


  Actually they are.
  Brazilians don't use just portuguese names.
  Gordito means fatty, which can be used has a nickname.
  Raul is a male portuguese name.
  Martin, could came from portuguese or english (only used in brazil though) language.

  Now, stop bullying the poor brazillian faget.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)23:05 No.2450173

  definitely hasn't been to a bad part of detroit at night. got lost there once, and I refuse to
  stop at red lights. honkeys come running out of the shadows to take your car. avoided it actually
  happening once by never stopping ever

>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/14(Sat)23:08 No.2450176

  Why were you in Detroit?
  Why was it night?
  Why don't your doors lock?

  People like you deserve to get robbed. 
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Created: 13/7 -2014 02:57:29 Last modified: 13/7 -2014 06:27:35 Server time: 11/01 -2025 18:19:36