Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource C6NI8IZ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/8 -2014 16:20:45
10.5 years ago.

Ended:17/8 -2014 19:11:43
10.5 years ago.

Checked:17/8 -2014 20:22:28
10.5 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: 【Stomp To My Beat】Loli Mix.swf-(8.99 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)09:17 No.2492009

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)09:28 No.2492021

  this is disgusting

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)09:43 No.2492041

  Go back to /b/ with your loli shit, OP

>> [_] Notsobe 08/17/14(Sun)09:45 No.2492043

  They still didn't noticed that some ppl enjoy things like that, besides, this flash appeared few
  times on /f/ so after seeing a title why you guys just clicked to watch it?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)09:48 No.2492046

  ppl who enjoy that are also disgusting
  the fact that its even posted here is disgusting

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)10:06 No.2492054


>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)10:13 No.2492059

  I thought it was funny.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)10:17 No.2492062

  doesnt matter if its on a 1,000 year old semen demon or a 20 year old grandma, string bikinis are

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)10:38 No.2492076

  oh come on people don't get your panties in a bunch and go back to reddit if you can't handle
  shit like that. I think it's awesome by the way!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)10:40 No.2492078

  nice shitpost, made me laugh

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)11:30 No.2492112

  Well considering Gay shit is becoming more commonplace , loli should be appreciated just as well.
  Some people are just BORN liking that . I only like 2d loli myself, 3d is bleck

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)11:32 No.2492115


  not to mention that 3dcg anything is ugly as fuck. Loli should always be 2D

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)11:46 No.2492128

  >clicking something specifically labeled loli and then being disgusted at loli

  >master troll or tumblr tier pleb

  >welcome 2 4chon

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)11:52 No.2492132

  on that note, this board needs a fucking gay tag

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)11:58 No.2492141

  [♂] Fantasy

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/14(Sun)12:09 No.2492160

  it's not the fact that it's loli, but that it looks like shit

  Don't group this shit with anything gay on flash
  everything gay on this board is edited beautifully

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Created: 17/8 -2014 16:20:45 Last modified: 17/8 -2014 20:22:33 Server time: 16/03 -2025 17:57:23