File: ppppuWiiU2.swf-(2.19 MB, 480x720, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)11:00 No.2483073
Get hyped
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)12:49 No.2483160
you know this might be good if the music wasn't off
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)13:00 No.2483167
Dog. That interface the guy is planning is just horrible for a porn game.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)13:21 No.2483186
Only interested in Wii Fit trainer.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)13:26 No.2483190
they off-beat makes me go into rage...
and why is the sound quality so poor? Compare it to the original
yeah and not a fan of the interface either
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)13:38 No.2483194
take a semi decent flash and fill it with horrible redraws.
Its SDT all over again.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)13:45 No.2483197
holy shit is someone forging a sword or something?
I swear to god those three beeps at the end of each loop are really annoying
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)14:33 No.2483228
Its the theme to Beep Block Skyway. That's the point.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/14(Sun)15:26 No.2483266
>Get Hyped
Maybe if it didn't look like shit.