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This is resource EENBZ5O, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/7 -2014 01:58:24

Ended:25/7 -2014 04:12:11

Checked:25/7 -2014 04:25:16

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Paradise Lost.swf-(9.3 MB, 640x480, Other)
[_] Fartherland Potross 07/24/14(Thu)18:55 No.2462766

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)18:56 No.2462767

  I didnt come here for hitler feels

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)19:12 No.2462785

  >if the invasion of Normandy failed, Hitler wins
  This is what Burgerfats really believe

  The USSR was already annihilating what was left of Germany's main army in the East, Normandy was
  a stop-gap measure to get the West into the proper war before Russia took everything for

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)19:16 No.2462790

  "It is now said that the Allies never helped us . . . However, one cannot deny that the Americans
  gave us so much material, without which we could not have formed our reserves and could not have
  continued the war . . . we had no explosives and powder. There was none to equip rifle bullets.
  The Americans actually came to our assistance with powder and explosives. And how much sheet
  steel did they give us. We really could not have quickly put right our production of tanks if the
  Americans had not helped with steel. And today it seems as though we had all this ourselves in
  abundance." - Zhukov"

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)19:22 No.2462802

  >What /pol/ actually believes.swf

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)19:32 No.2462826


  >implying any of this has to do with normandy

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)19:48 No.2462841

  You're honestly deluded if you don't think that tying up Panzer divisions and logistical
  resources on the western front didn't take the pressure off of the Russians allowing them to
  launch the scale of counteroffensive that they did. Additionally, if Normandy failed and the U.S.
  withdrew, lend-lease stops, thus making my previous comment relevant.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)20:50 No.2462914

  I was expecting Bibi Hendi when the chickens came up

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)20:54 No.2462918

  Russia would have lost even more men but they might have eventually won.
  MMMMURICA invaded Normandy for the same reason we dropped the atom bomb on Japan: To save lives.

  You're welcome.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)21:00 No.2462926

  yeah sure, whatever kid

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)21:05 No.2462932

  Didn't read like a thank you.
  You're the one who fired the missile at the Passenger Plane from Amsterdam aren't you?
  Admit it you dirty fucking Slav.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)21:07 No.2462935

  glorious exposition, komrade

>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/14(Thu)21:09 No.2462937

  >Russia won't admit what the rest of the world knows
Created: 25/7 -2014 01:58:24 Last modified: 25/7 -2014 04:25:18 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:20:18