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This is resource JAGCF5E, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/7 -2014 04:31:50
10.6 years ago.

Ended:26/7 -2014 13:16:18
10.6 years ago.

Checked:26/7 -2014 13:22:24
10.6 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 5864

Age: 6.36d   Health: 94%   Posters: 8   Posts: 14   Replies: 11   Files: 2+3

>> Anonymous 20jul2014(su)04:26 No.13856 OP P1

[IMG] af02989ba700c301eac25a89cddc5ef0.swf (2.19 MiB)
480x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>

>> Anonymous 20jul2014(su)04:35 No.13857 A P2R1

you've got to tell me why you keep uploading flashes with their hash for file name mate

>> Anonymous 20jul2014(su)14:03 No.13864 B P3R2

Oh, that's an improved version. Especially the face animations are great.

>> Anonymous 20jul2014(su)21:39 No.13870 C P4R3

Laziness is my guess.

>> Anonymous 20jul2014(su)23:46 No.13871 D P5R4

The new facial animations are really great, as is animation in general (especially with Samus).
Biggest issue though is that the animations aren't in time with the beat of the music as they were
in previous versions. Sometimes it'll noticeably be an entire beat behind.

More importantly, an interactive version of this is needed, so I can watch Samus pretty much

>> Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)10:28 No.13894 E P6R5

My issue is that Samus doesn't look like Samus. Here eyes are too big and sparkly like the Mario
girls. They should be a little more narrow.

>> Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)17:54 No.13898 A P7R6

you're probably right

the animation could use some work for sure, sometimes the eyes doesn't match up perfectly with the
sockets, the background tiles have glitches and (worst ive found) the boobs morph strangely when
samus gives the titjob (just for a couple of isolated frames, you have to look carefully)

and yes, we need the possibillity to select a scene and girl to make it more fap worthy!

also waiting for ppppNintendo.swf that would have the four girls that's already in this one plus
Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Krystal (Star Fox), May (Pokémon), Nana (Ice Climbers) and Roll (Mega
Man). with the option to hise krystal for furry haters...

Yeah true, also she needs to make this face (see attachment).

[IMG]horny samus.jpg

>> Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)19:49 No.13902 A P8

...i JUST realized that this is a newer updated version where samus actually have facial
expressions like the one i wanted


>> Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)19:54 No.13903 A P9

there's supposed to be an anal scene for daisy in this according to the author

one but i cant fucking get it, it's looped over 100 times now feels like

>> Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)21:10 No.13905 D P10R7

I've seen it happen a few times.

>> Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)23:18 No.13907 F P11R8

it's not that spectacular a sight. just the same reverse cowgirl position with no pussy lips drawn.

>> Anonymous 22jul2014(tu)03:31 No.13914 D P12R9

Great job on the additional content, maybe add more facial expressions for Rosalina next?

>> Anonymous 22jul2014(tu)07:13 No.13916 G P13R10

All this additional work and still no creampies, dammit.

>> Anonymous 24jul2014(th)05:18 No.13941 A P14R11

i think i might have seen it too, just thought it was a badly drawn vagina. the anal scene could
use some work...

wanna add while I remember that the Wii Fit trainer would also be great in this. She could look
concentrated perhaps, like she is working out

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Created: 20/7 -2014 04:31:50 Last modified: 26/7 -2014 13:22:32 Server time: 18/03 -2025 10:58:09