File: imoutopetter.swf-(385 KB, 640x480, Game)
[_] Ya winning, son? Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)19:59 No.2471399
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:11 No.2471405
According to >>2471318 I am.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:22 No.2471411
It says I have >1000 income power, but I can't spend it.
What do I do with income power?(It's the number at the top of the screen)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:36 No.2471423
the screen keeps breaking and i have to start over, over and over again. is there a version that
aint broken
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:38 No.2471424
Click things you want to buy genius. You click them again to "equip" them.
Stop being so good.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:38 No.2471425
Does this thing save progress?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:40 No.2471427
Click 5 times and hit refresh you'll have your answer
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:42 No.2471429
Any decent combos? I cant seem to find any that give more than the 5 bonus
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:44 No.2471431
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:49 No.2471435
In terms of points I think None > Shimakaze destroyer > Cat > Everything else
I don't think Tsundere actually has the effect it says unless I'm blind. I guess vampire's good
if you don't mind carpal tunnel.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:50 No.2471439
nvm I am blind, tsundere does work.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:52 No.2471441
head, ribbon defuslt yellow; body, destroyer,
head, Vampiric yellow; face, supernatural
head, messy; face, glasses (neet); body, hoodie
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:53 No.2471442
Huh, it resets your purchases but refunds the points spent.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:53 No.2471443
Feels like the thing is bad at updating your active points properly and showing when you have a
bonus active
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:54 No.2471444
That last one doesn't actually do anything but it's a good joke.
head twintails yellow, eyes tsurime
head cat, eyes tsurime
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:56 No.2471446
Head Miko Black, eyes Sleepy, body Miko.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)20:57 No.2471447
so the 9999999 points doesnt do anything?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:02 No.2471448
screen crack
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:06 No.2471453
None+??? face and whatever hair gives you something but Im not sure yet
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:07 No.2471455
no i mean body ;)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:10 No.2471456
im at 800000 git on my level niggers
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:12 No.2471460
No, I mean the NEET combo doesn't do anything. Because NEET.
The None body doesn't say what it does, but it gives 50XIP/s and every click also gives that
amount. Don't even have to combo it with anything. Having something else that forms a combo like
both vampire eyes/hair will override it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:16 No.2471465
oh imma git the 99999999
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:17 No.2471466
>head, ribbon defuslt yellow; body, destroyer,
op as fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:17 No.2471467
crap, it really does crack...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:17 No.2471469
Yeah. Shimakaze really makes things go faster.
Hey wait...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:19 No.2471470
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:20 No.2471473
worst endgame ever
>> [_] WKZworks 07/31/14(Thu)21:26 No.2471476
Awesome, so how do I hack this point system into my bank account?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:35 No.2471481
are those nipples on her cheeks?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:41 No.2471485
is none the highest combo?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:44 No.2471488
yeah but its acctually a joke so i am dissapoint so i stopped playing, final score: 2417979
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:46 No.2471489
I used Auto Clicker (the tool) and Vampire Drain
got nude and it's not a joke, she's really naked
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:49 No.2471492
>vampire drain
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:50 No.2471493
also read the thread
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:50 No.2471494
Technically the Shinobu/vampire combo is more per click if you click like crazy.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:51 No.2471495
if you put on vampire hair and supernatural eyes youll get vampiric drain
its a bonus
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:53 No.2471497
holy shit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:55 No.2471501
But no IP/s and don't stop clicking for the love of god.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)21:57 No.2471502
but not i got -36045708
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:00 No.2471506
Oh yeah, negative IP/s. Because vampire.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:12 No.2471519
oh wow i finally got 9999999 she is neked
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:15 No.2471522
i wan what do i get now?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:25 No.2471532
you guys make it too obvious that this wasn't really a game and it's just a black screen
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:26 No.2471534
don't waste your time faggots
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:26 No.2471535
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:27 No.2471536
is that a viruse
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:27 No.2471537
What is Siscon Sergeant supposed to do?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:28 No.2471540
click it retard
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:28 No.2471542
All those things on the upgrade page give you more IP/s
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:35 No.2471548
Sukumizu + Cat + Tsurime = Kawaii = Clicking gives IP/s (the auto clickers/sergeants/) divided by
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:37 No.2471550
It can be any body.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:39 No.2471552
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:40 No.2471554
this game is just a black screen for me
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:43 No.2471556
you weren't ready.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:55 No.2471569
Welp I'm done with the game now. I'll leave it idling until I hit 999,999,999 IP's Found all the
combos and I don't need to waste anymore time clicking.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)22:59 No.2471579
Don't bother with buying the translation release, as others have indicated it's a joke/troll item.
When you buy it the flash then gets the image of cracked glass above it, the flash stops and no
longer responds to clicking anything. Gotta refresh and start over or just plain close the window.
You don't think I'm serious but I am.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)23:02 No.2471583
I could always decompile the flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)23:04 No.2471585
...Or you could just not click the translation release thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)23:10 No.2471587
Boyish brown, ^-^, Buruma
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)23:15 No.2471597
wtf is this shit?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)23:18 No.2471600
Just play it and make sure NO ONE IS AROUND WHEN YOU'RE PLAYING IT