File: TSWFYU.swf-(197 KB, 125x120, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)10:59 No.2471061
This shit will fuck you up
>> [_] Brosiris !5ZnlOItP4c 07/31/14(Thu)11:13 No.2471068
I love Combichrist
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)12:30 No.2471095
Yakui, stop taking all the drugs!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/14(Thu)12:50 No.2471109
Take more pills answers everything
Feeling tired?
Take more pills
Feeling sad?
Take more pills
Feeling too happy?
Take more pills
Feeling hungry?
Take more pills
Feeling full?
Take more pills
Worried that you have taken too many pills?
Take more pills