File: Pushing On.swf-(8.96 MB, 640x368, Other)
[_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)11:07 No.2474455
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)12:04 No.2474517
A clear metaphor for the relative non-productivity of black society. Thank you for this, Kamerad.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)12:57 No.2474559
i thought it was just anticlimactic
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)14:22 No.2474687
can the internet have less faggots like you around? get the fuck off the internet you stupid
fucking faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)14:27 No.2474702
ITT: Let's play "Spot the Black Guy!"
Can YOU identify which poster in this thread is secretly a negro?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)14:45 No.2474730
I find it funny how did he managed to use the same shirt until he died. In that desert, it seens
like a rag wouldn't last a year in one piece.
Also, how did he managed to keep buying pants, but not shirts?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)14:48 No.2474732
The pants didn't have security tags.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)15:10 No.2474752
You idiots aren't funny. If you went outside of your boards for more than 20 minutes you'd
understand the global rules.
>global rule 3: No racism outside of /b/
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)15:11 No.2474754
Shut up nigger.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)15:40 No.2474786
Wait a sec, I got this...
Its >>2474752 isn't it
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/14(Sun)15:47 No.2474791
2 sad stay mad nig nog