File: Mako Adventure 2.swf-(1.32 MB, 500x281, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 08/04/14(Mon)21:16 No.2476416
This deserves to be reposted
>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/14(Mon)21:32 No.2476432
oh my.
this makes wish i hadnt gotten rid of my gamecube.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/14(Mon)22:14 No.2476491
Dolphin nigga
All your favorite Gamecube games, only in true HD.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/14(Mon)23:00 No.2476549
So is this animu any good? All I hear of it on this place is bad animation and 3edgy5u
>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/14(Mon)23:03 No.2476552
it's pretty good once you get into it, but i stopped halfway through.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/04/14(Mon)23:30 No.2476585
It's a 24 episode appeal to nudism pretending to be an edgy anime series.