/ > /fap/ > Thread 5958
Age: 49.08d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 8 Replies: 7 Files: 1+2
>> Otto 24aug2014(su)23:35 No.14429 OP P1
[IMG] Close-The-Door.swf (995.2 KiB)
645x365, Compressed. 1199 frames, 14 fps (01:26).
Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
>> Anonymous 25aug2014(mo)02:25 No.14434 A P2R1
im not going to say i didnt enjoy it but...
+ long intro logo is loooong
+ condom
+ "closes the door dude" at the end? engrish prease
>> Anonymous 25aug2014(mo)05:40 No.14438 B P3R2
It just wasn't funny/arousing; it did neither of its intended goals (I assume it's intention was to
cause a boner or a laugh)
>> Anonymous 25aug2014(mo)06:57 No.14439 C P4R3
it's a good idea, he just needs to get the comedic timing right. and also to not do that thing
where the camera zooms into the guy's face in the middle of a fappable clip. seriously, that shit
is fucked up.
>> arnon 25aug2014(mo)15:22 No.14453 D P5R4
A Cake for Dinner ? :O
>> Anonymous 1sep2014(mo)22:51 No.14589 E P6R5
Maybe it's meat bread?
>> Anonymous 2sep2014(tu)02:31 No.14599 A P7R6
>camera zooms into the guy's face
man i hate that shit, is there anyone that actually enjoys that? maybe chicks naturally but id
wager over 99% of those who buy porn are male and they dont want to get caught fapping to a guy,
even if it's just for a second
>> Anonymous 2sep2014(tu)14:04 No.14628 F P8R7
I wonder whats for dinner