File: dagobah_dicewars.swf-(96 KB, 800x600, Game)
[_] You are purple Anonymous 07/27/14(Sun)09:40 No.2466085
aka random isn't random: the game.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/14(Sun)09:44 No.2466088
This game is easy. You just wait until you get like 6 dice on a few territories, rapidly expand
like a motherfucker, and repeat
>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/14(Sun)09:49 No.2466092
You are retarded
>random isn't random
>meaning that just cause u have 8 doens't mean you will survive anything
>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/14(Sun)09:55 No.2466100
>implying that your odds are vastly greater when you have 8 against 5
>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/14(Sun)09:59 No.2466104
>Implying that was what i was implying
If you are going to greentext, do it right faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/14(Sun)11:23 No.2466163
>Greentexting is only for pointing out implications
Get a load of this guy, everyone.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/14(Sun)12:11 No.2466196
Nobody cares faggot.
Captcha: Peace somethingsomething