/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 5911 Age: 8.44d Health: 81% Posters: 13 Posts: 18 Replies: 15 Files: 2+3 >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)04:20 No.14165 OP P1 Crowjob in Space Just uploading this so I can view it on my ps3 [IMG] Crowjob_29072014.swf (4.15 MiB) 800x600, Compressed. 80 frames, 23 fps (00:03). Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)07:48 No.14167 A P2R1 this has lots of potential to be great. >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)11:20 No.14172 B P3R2 He doesn't want this posted elsewhere. You're gonna ruin it for everyone. He'll throw a fit and not update it, and probably take it down. It's a do not post without permission. >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)14:37 No.14180 C P4R3 >>14172 Who the fuck cares? It takes a special breed of gigantic retard to post something online under the delusion that "Hurr it am coppywrighte fo me noon else can getit or poast witaut my premisions!" Welcome to the internet. If it exists for sale, it exists for free. If it exists in private, it exists in public. If you can't find what you're looking for, have a seat, next content shipment every 5 seconds. >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)15:17 No.14182 D P5R4 >>14180 This. This is also why professinal hartists like Zone simply stopped caring about it and as a result they get money from their fanbase. ... I can't belive I just mentioned Zone under such an awful post... *Insert unnecessary rant about gay furry shit here* >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)18:41 No.14185 E P6R5 >>14182 Uh excuse me this flash has both m/m and m/f In fact it has more straight than gay things at the moment. Check yourself before you break yourself >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)18:41 No.14186 E P7 >>14182 Oh fuck wait I just remembered You remember that furry flash Zone made? Yeah. Think about that. >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)19:00 No.14187 A P8R6 yeah, but it's kind of insane how there are no non-bisexual options considering how few people are actually bisexual. >> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)22:45 No.14190 F P9R7 >*Insert unnecessary rant about gay furry shit here* >>14185 The Irony is weak in this one. That was a joke about jumping on the anti-furry-bandwagon. Check yourself before you break yourself... >> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)03:01 No.14191 G P10R8 >>14187 >considering how few people are actually bisexual. dude... you need to check your statistics, basically everyone is bi or at least not 100% hetero/homo >> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)10:17 No.14197 C P11R9 >>14191 Yeah... Not really. >> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)14:28 No.14199 H P12R10 >>14191 lol, not even close to reality >> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)15:42 No.14200 I P13R11 >>14191 Ok... What? How did you get that idea? In case you refer to straight men who like it up the ass: That has nothing to do with sexual attraction. A man who's into woman is straight and a man who's into man is homosexual and a man who's into both is bi. Everything else doesn't matter. So even guys who shove stuff up their butt are not gay if they are not into men. >> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)19:11 No.14203 A P14R12 the actual percentage is hard to pinpoint for obvious reasons, but scientific surveys pretty much always report that 0.5 to 5 percent of the men interviewed get boners from both naked men and women. i.e. you are full of shit. :) >> Anonymous 9aug2014(sa)00:08 No.14206 J P15R13 >>14191 lolwut >> Anonymous 9aug2014(sa)18:48 No.14214 K P16R14 itt: Gotta check yourself before you shrek yourself [IMG]0129371.jpg >> Anonymous 10aug2014(su)02:03 No.14217 L P17R15 >>14185 I counted two straight scenes, counting the mom/daughter scene as one and three gay scenes. Depending on your worldviews the shemale/futa scene could be either gay or straight, with there still being as many or twice as many gay scenes than there are straight. No matter which way you put it, this flash is really, really gay. >> Anonymous 10aug2014(su)02:04 No.14218 L P18 >>14186 I think I saw a penis going into a vagina in that one. |