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This is resource RHZAMTS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/8 -2014 05:51:06

Ended:5/10 -2014 17:39:06

Checked:5/10 -2014 17:55:51

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 5912

Age: 52.48d   Health: 0%   Posters: 10   Posts: 14   Replies: 13   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)05:49 No.14166 OP P1

[IMG] Super PPPPU Sisters 2nd Beta.swf (2.37 MiB)
480x720, Compressed. 17 frames, 24 fps (00:01).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>

>> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)09:04 No.14168 A P2R1

Palutena's hair looks awful, All the hair looks awful but her's looks the worst. It looks like
mashed up spinach.

Use the way -8 did the hair as you guide, no details only shading, and light highlights around the
top to the scalp.

>> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)10:22 No.14170 B P3R2

The weirdest part is actually the Zelda blowjob. In the end it looks like her eyes are moving up
and down...
But as a first try (I mean, it says Beta for a reason) it's not half bad.

>> Joshex 7aug2014(th)10:43 No.14171 C P4R3

Some things needed

Hi I've seen several versions of this flash so far, I'd like to chime in with:
Character selection: Great, though please don't forget Daisy.
Animation selection: it would be nice to pick the animation like shown in an earlier flash.
Music; the music from the previous ones was pretty good, I say keep it and have a button that turns
it on and off.
Clothes: pleasse give us an on/off switch for clothes!

Cumming (aka finish); rather than just having an endlessly looped animation allow us to press a
"cum" button during any animation, it should bring up 2 buttons "in" and "out" then play to
corresponding climax version of the current animation either bukkake or creampie and then play a
looped "finished" animation until a new animation is clicked.

other than that great work!

>> Anonymous 7aug2014(th)13:15 No.14175 D P5R4

Palutena is awful, Moe Sheik needs to go. Why even bother with the changing guys, I feel like
that'd kill the appeal of the original flash.

>> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)05:26 No.14193 E P6R5

not bad, keep up the good work. if anything, samus with her suit on needs to be beefed up. looks
like thin cloth and not like her suit

>> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)12:36 No.14198 F P7R6

Samus with her suit's chestplate is a nice touch, but it needs to be bigger.

>> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)19:12 No.14204 G P8R7

I actually thought Zelda's was the worst hair.

>> Anonymous 8aug2014(fr)20:31 No.14205 A P9R8

It looks like a hat!

>> Anonymous 9aug2014(sa)05:06 No.14208 E P10R9

haha, well it looks kinda pasted on. guess he just hasn't gotten around to working on it. it
doesn't even follow her face at the end of the animation cycle (or maybe zelda can just stretch her
forehead really long)

>> Anonymous 9aug2014(sa)18:42 No.14213 H P11R10

just needs that damn cum finish and music back
after that
I'd say it would be out of beta for me

>> Anonymous 23aug2014(sa)06:31 No.14385 I P12R11

4chan thread got deleted, cubespoon hasn't responded on his tumblr in almost 2 weeks...

>> Anonymous 23aug2014(sa)12:10 No.14394 E P13R12

Guess it's over.

>> Joshex 25aug2014(mo)13:20 No.14451 C P14R13

it could just be he's busy working, it would be helpful if he talked here on swfchan as these
threads rarely bite the dust where as 4chan threads 404 quickly without the author's intentions.
Created: 7/8 -2014 05:51:06 Last modified: 13/10 -2014 01:48:11 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:14:30