File: Chirumiru.swf-(3.31 MB, 512x384, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)13:12 No.2451683
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)13:46 No.2451712
I was literally watching this right before I came to /f/
(and bonkmiru)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:09 No.2451779
I actually tried this product, and it made me into a genius. Just like Cirno
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:13 No.2451783
>I was literally watching this right before I came to /f/
what the fuck
me too
I literally just exited out of it and switched to /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:14 No.2451784
like omg, you two should totes anal eachother for the funzies
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:18 No.2451787
>I literally just
tfw people don't know how to use the word literally correctly...
get edumacated
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:21 No.2451791
>tfw people don't know how to use the word literally correctly...
Are you retarded? I literally just exited out of it instead of me exaggerating and I actually
exited out of it 10 minutes ago.
>correcting people who are using shit correctly
Please kill yourself retard.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:22 No.2451792
epic o.O... and your pretty write bro, nice
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:23 No.2451794
you must be new here.....
cause the flame bait was obvious
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:24 No.2451796
>be retarded
>I w-was just trolling!!!
Summer is fucking hilarious, I don't think even CNN pushes this much damage control.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/14(Mon)15:36 No.2451817
does powdered milk really make you a genius?