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Threads (1):
File: 0Lloyd-Pye-Trailer.swf-(8.3 MB, Loop) [_] humans don't come from earth Anon 1791013 >> [_] Anon 1791014 Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWoPNV2vG yU >> [_] Anon 1791021 Anyone who speaks so authoritatively and has such a mastery of MS Moviemaker cannot be wrong. Jokes about the insane bullshit aside, I'll have to look into some of the morphilogical topics he brings up. It just pisses me off when people start talking about genes though, 99% of the people who talk of them don't understand them one bit. Genetics is to most people what God used to be. Don't understand the mechanics of something? Its probably due to your "genes". >> [_] Anon 1791062 The only point this guy makes that's not entirely fucked is "mainstream establishment is resistant to change". >> [_] Anon 1791069 >># That statement contradicts what science is meant to be. Science isn't meant to have an ego, and everything that comes from science accepts the possibility of being proven wrong eventually. >> [_] Anon 1791075 >># Doesn't really change the nature of mainstream establishment. Yes, the truth will come out. If it contradicts what is widely believed by most academics, however, it probably will be considered "fringe" until after you are dead, at least. Even the cream of the crop is susceptible to cognitive dissonance, it seems. Sometimes longer if it's far ahead of its time, or just plain wrong. Sometimes it's actually taken seriously and properly assessed, in rare cases. The only consistent exception is doing things that have never been done before, and thus acquiring information that has never been available before (like, say, those femtophotography guys). |