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Threads (1):
File: Big Bang Theory (CBS) - Sword Master.swf-(3.74 MB, Other) [_] The sad thing is, its actually kind of true Anon 1806041 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1806099 How the hell does anyone find this shit funny? >> [_] Anon 1806102 >># because I first saw it 5 years ago when I was playing those kind of games and could totally relate to it >> [_] Anon 1806106 The reason big bang theory is terrible is that it's not a show about nerds being nerds for nerds. it's a show about nerds being stereotypes for normal people to laugh at and say "man, I'm glad I'm not a nerd." >> [_] Anon 1806107 The fact that they're not using mice is a big turn off >> [_] Anon 1806111 >># Exactly my point. It's not a show MADE by nerds to entertain nerds, its meant to make normal people feel better about themselves. Big Bang Theory is garbage. >> [_] Anon 1806113 >gaming >on a laptop These guys are plebs >> [_] Anon 1806119 >># >because I played WoW once when it was really popular so I totally "get it" >> [_] Anon 1806125 >># You don't play WoW with a mouse... keybindings ftw >> [_] Anon 1806127 >># So we are just ignoring the fact that Wil Wheaton has a huge amount of input on the show? >> [_] Anon 1806128 >># >Wil Wheaton HOLY SHIT GUYZ, WE SHOULD LUV THIS SHOW NOW AND SUCK SHELDONS CAWK >> [_] Anon 1806129 >># >keyboard turner >> [_] Anon 1806131 What I don't like about BBT >confuses wealthy scientists and physicists with comic shop lurkers >staples an obnoxious set of personality types to my interests in the eyes of the public and especially >sheldon is the most celebrated character, despite having highly undesirable behaviors. I've personally struggled with trying to not appear emotionless, douchey, and detail obsessed. These compulsions have lost me most of my friends, family, and jobs. People like this unlikable character. >> [_] Anon 1806132 >># the show isn't made for intelligent people, it's made for retards to laugh at nerds >> [_] Anon 1806134 >># >its meant to make normal people feel better about themselves >normal people >># >These compulsions have lost me most of my friends, family, and jobs. People like this unlikable character. So, you don't like another stupid TV show full of parodies and gags because it evoke some of your old traumas? Now that's funny! >> [_] Anon 1806138 Fucking BBT is the gayest show in the universe, even before it was in a hot, dense state. SEE WHAT I DID THERE I MADE A FUNNY HURRRRRRRR IM A NERD NOW GEEKS4LIFE DOYYY >> [_] Anon 1806140 >># >this >> [_] Anon 1806145 >># Normal is a keyword I'm using as a defination between nerds and people who do not do nerdy things. as my defination goes, nerd are anyone who plays large amounts of video games, card games, highbrow boardgames, and so on. A Normal person, defined as an average person you fuck face, does not; although might dabble in it. BBT is not about Normal people dabbling its about Nerd doing nerdy things poorly and inaccurately trying to SOUND nerdy to entertain retards >> [_] Anon 1806154 >># I think >># meant that the groups' tolerance of Sheldon's behavior is more unlikely then becoming a deity that the world worships. >> [_] Anon 1806160 >># >># so youre saying WoW is different from this >> [_] Anon 1806161 this is fucking awful >> [_] Anon 1806165 >># It is >> [_] Anon 1806170 >># It's not. >> [_] Anon 1806171 BBT is the new blackface, search your feelings you know it to be true >> [_] Anon 1806175 I just don't see how this is funny Nothing really happens it's just a bunch of yelling and sound effects with some pseudo-nerdy terms thrown in This whole thing could've been condensed into 30 seconds or a 4 panel comic but it was dragged out to fill a timeslot >> [_] Anon 1806177 US GAYMERS GUYS XD XD XD >> [_] Anon 1806179 >># >XDXdxDXd lel sward uf aserauth so nerdy XDxdXdxdX Enjoy your canned humor you faggot. BBT is a shitty show that relies on already established jokes to try to be funny. It's the fucking reddit of television. Just like family guy. >> [_] Anon 1806185 >ITT: Nerds in rage because they're portrayed in a TV show and makes them feeling shame about themselves >> [_] Anon 1806190 >># #YOLO >> [_] Anon 1806192 >># I'm not ashamed of being a nerd. It is simply retarded for everyone to flock to a show poorly portraying nerds for a larf. Then everyone loves that show and acts like they are 'geeky' because they watch it when they don't even know what that means. also >nerds in rage >you're on 4chan >> [_] Anon 1806193 This show is funny. You weekendfags wouldn't know. >> [_] Anon 1806199 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7A5OgfP4 NA&feature=g-all-u Here ya go guys, this is your leader. >> [_] Anon 1806201 >people having a good time with absolutely no possible negative consequences THIS IS WHAT IS DESTROYING WESTERN CIVILIZATION! BAN IT! >> [_] Anon 1806205 They honestly expect me to believe that an in game item could just be picked off the ground and not be bind on pickup? >> [_] Anon 1806209 >># see >># >> [_] Anon 1806224 >># I agree with this fully. Interesting to note that this video can apply to a /b/tard from 6 years ago and seeing his environment change to be 'trendy'. hell you can change the word /b/tard to any board, except /c/, and it would still be close to accurate. >> [_] Anon 1806243 >># More like nerds angry by posers. >I was a nerd before it was cool >> [_] Anon 1806275 NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD DSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS >> [_] Anon 1806293 The most annoying thing is when people much stupider than you say you don't get the jokes in the show because you know it's crap. |