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Threads (11):
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, 480x360, Loop) [_] Just say it Anon 3330096 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3330206 JUULY BROWUN >> [_] Anon 3330208 Good Lord that aliasing is atrocious >> [_] Anon 3330302 She was my first waifu when I was a kid. >> [_] Anon 3330303 >># oh yes, fuddona has haunted my dreams ever since I first saw this :^) >> [_] Anon 3330334 This hood is either new, or older than me.
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anon 2729104 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2729106 dem titties doe >> [_] Anon 2729118 >># And people wonder why there are so many furries. >> [_] Chollux 2729138 The 90's were weird. You couldn't describe what it was like except by living through them. Tiny toons and associated WB content trolled parents and kids alike. >> [_] Anon 2729143 I was surprised by the hood, but wouldn't it have been better on the tranny? >> [_] Anon 2729145 >># transvestite, not transsexual. >> [_] Anon 2729181 >># it was shit like this exactly why many 90s kids grew up to be furfags. and I'm fucking guilty. >> [_] Anon 2729214 >># So since that era is over, does that mean furries will be on the decline? Or will some shit come in to replace them? Bronies aside since it's popularity was short lived. >> [_] Anon 2729215 'JULAYYY' >> [_] Anon 2729216 >># have you been living on another planet since the 90's champ? I'm pretty sure My little pony is pretty much the new "replacement" >> [_] Anon 2729235 >># You fucker, you stole the words out of my mouth.
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] HAPPY NATIONAL HOOD DAY! Anon 2726884 >> [_] Chollux 2726928 This was one of the best timed hoods ever. Thank you - thank you OP and OCC for this gem. >> [_] Anon 2726981 why does that bear have such big tits >> [_] Anon 2726990 >># cause furries >> [_] Anon 2727036 i watched a lot of tinny toons back in the day and the thing i remember most about Julie is that she had something like 3 segments throughout the shows whole run. it was pretty easy to forget she even existed…. >> [_] Anon 2727040 >># Second I was expecting it to come much earlier, but it just took me out of the blue. >> [_] Anon 2727071 Stepped out, came back just in time for the hood. What'd I miss? >> [_] Anon 2727072 >># Elmer in drag. >> [_] Anon 2727073 Furfag shit >> [_] Anon 2727074 >># Has Elmer ever NOT been in drag? >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 2727079 Oh, people have a problem with a bear girl with tits, but they don't have a problem with Elmer trapp? >> [_] Anon 2727085 >># That's some terrible ghosting effects. >> [_] Anon 2727094 >># they might if Warner Bro. hadn't been doing that shit since before they were born... >> [_] Anon 2727097 >># Jesus christ those fucking knockers >> [_] Anon 2727114 >># Haha jokes on you! I came before the hood!
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, 480x360, Loop) [_] Anon 2439249 Post stuff you haven't seen on /f/ in a while >> [_] Anon 2439296 Well those certanly are Babs alright...
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anon 2328059 >> [_] Anon 2328061 Dem titties. >> [_] Anon 2328062 fucking furries >> [_] Anon 2328152 why_furries_exist.swf >> [_] Anon 2328215 and now you see why men are sexualizing women to the point of no return
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anon 2143331 >> [_] Anon 2143348 Really? >> [_] Anon 2143360 yea >> [_] anon 2143361 just waiting for her tits to pop out. >> [_] Anon 2143362 That was nice thanks op. >> [_] Anon 2143363 >># me too >> [_] Anon 2143464 >Doesn't rotate l2hood
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, 480x360, Loop) [_] Look at the plot on this one Anon 2070035 I was enjoying the tripfag's posts but whatever >> [_] Anon 2070067 Years later and I still don't know what the fuck that was a parody of. >> [_] Anon 2070080 They put tits like these on our childhood cartoons, and they wonder why we grew up to be furries. >> [_] Anon 2070087 what a faggot >> [_] Anon 2070102 >># http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Say_Ju lie >> [_] Anon 2070105 >># Not too much material for dames and fags in them shows. That Ahnuld dog with Paulsen's voice doesn't count. Too much of a meatbag.
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, Other) [_] Time for Tiny Toons! Anon 1933661 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1933663 Got me, didn't expect it! 10/10 >> [_] Anon 1933668 lol'd >> [_] Anon 1933703 From when children's cartoons were not afraid of showing excessive cleavage. >> [_] Anon 1933710 i award OP with the hood merit badge >> [_] Anon 1933778 Did we ever find out where da hood at? >> [_] Anon 1933804 >># do you think we'd still be asking if we knew? >> [_] Anon 1933873 >># was thinking the same thing, why does a kids cartoon character have such big boobs? For the parents?
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1897428 >> [_] Anon 1897431 >># >hood face >mice tits >weirdest boner >> [_] Anon 1897434 I would fuck the shit out of her. >> [_] Anon 1897439 Just made me realize that I would very much like to see Julie Brown's tits, after all the childhood memories of just cleavage, but in my heart (penis) I know I'll just be disappointed afterwards. >> [_] Anon 1897442 3/10 You're supposed to place to hood at a moment in time when "Where da hood at?" could be a quasi-logical question. You missed a golden opportunity when Fudd was standing there chuckling, and inserted it in the worst place possible (interrupting the start of another question). The execution was terrible as well. The zoom was too quick, there was no rotation and not a single eye twitch. One point for not using hood material that's beaten to death, one point for going for 90s cartoons (which are surprisingly unhooded, therefore their use is worth note), and one point for an unexpected hood (even though it was the fact that I thought no one could be that shitty at hooding that threw me off). So 3/10. You can do better. >> [_] Anon 1897452 >># I always thought the element of surprise took priority over timing. >> [_] Anon 1897456 >># "You" This flash is old as fuck you dingus. >> [_] Anon 1897489 I just noticed the sillhouette in the begging shows her tits flapping back and forth. . . >> [_] Anon 1897682 Perfectly symbolises... something or other.
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1866741 >> [_] Anon 1866817 Jesus! That fucking Julie Bruin is fucking sexy! I'd love to take a lick at her Badonna! Amicoolyet.gif >> [_] Anon 1866822 that one actually got me >> [_] Anon 1866867 Ah, a good old hood. Love it! >> [_] Anon 1866904 i miss julie brown >> [_] Anon 1866905 This and the Dr Who one this is everywhere and it gets me every fucking time Why do i keep watching these
File: Just Say Julie Bruin.swf-(8.29 MB, Other) [_] Dem Titties Anon 1820685 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1820694 FUCKING HOODS >> [_] Anon 1820697 welp, I did not expect that >> [_] Anon 1820699 wasn't expecting that hood >> [_] Anon 1820703 Those damn hoods >> [_] Anon 1820750 Masterful hood sir. >> [_] Anon 1820789 well played >> [_] TheCableGuy 1820868 Bah. You ruined the Nostalgia moment. >> [_] Anon 1820878 good job >> [_] Anon 1820879 WHERE DA HOOD AT MAH NIGGAS? >> [_] Anon 1820886 >># yeah man quit putting niggers in my childhood >> [_] Anon 1820896 nice tits >> [_] Anon 1820913 Good old cartoon boobs. |