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The f Project.swf
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Threads (1):

[A99NGL6]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/12 -2012 02:44:03 Ended: 9/12 -2012 08:22:59Flashes: 1 Posts: 18
File: The f Project.swf-(3 KB, Other)
[_] Anon 1823664 I'll make this short, I wanna make a .swf that represents /f/ but I would like some ideas. I have a pretty good knowledge of Flash. So /f/ lets get a good compilation of ideas going and I'll work on this as soon as I can. I'm open to any and all ideas lets make this something that we can call ours.
>> [_] Anon 1823666 where da hood at you just fell for the trap
>> [_] Anon 1823679 >># hail satan
>> [_] {Oldfags ≠ Developers; Mods = Fags} Anon 1823682 >># its a shame that everytime, someone wants to make a flash collage of /f/, this person has no idea about /f/'s traditions
>> [_] Anon 1823685 >># wait, /f/ has traditions?
>> [_] Anon 1823688 I just joined /f/ for like 1 week and i know they do lolicat girls and where da hood at? that's it right? i come from /b/ btw (inb4 GTFO cancer to 4chan)
>> [_] Anon 1823716 >># I think the best thing that could be done for /f/ would be for it to be left alone, it hasn't changed much and perhaps a bit more moderation of banning newfags on the comments.
>> [_] Anon 1823724 >># You aint inb4 shit, nigga. Now git you shit back to /b/ and trick dat ass 'fo I call yo pimp down here. >># >># >># mostly this. >># NO lurk moar
>> [_] Anon 1823739 You know what..? It's not a matter of representing /f/, it's about making /f/ /good/. And to do that, take the opposite advice of everyone on here.
>> [_] Anon 1823740 >># >Making /f/ good Why the fuck would we want to do that? /f/ is bad and I like it like it is, every time moot has tried to change /f/ in any way there has been retaliation and no amount of effort from a shitty newfag like you is going to change things that moot backed down on.
>> [_] Anon 1823747 >># >newfag >been here since 2003 Believe me when I say what's good for you, scum.
>> [_] Anon 1823753 >># Just stop fishing for cookies and just put some shit up. THAT's why we come to /f/, not to circle-jerk over a "project". If it's good, you'll know, and if it's crap... you'll know. "HEY GUISE lets do a big project and we'll make it epic and we'll all be kewl cuz we reprezent /f/ yo!" >eyetwitch.gif
>> [_] Anon 1823766 >># Exactly. Do your own thing. It's the best way to contribute OC. But if you insist, OP, Here are some of the /f/ archetypes: anime ecchi chiptune loops cute cat clips interactive porn japan wtf clips meme-related content minimalist pretentious games nostalgia bombs screamers/hoods shock vids (guro, traps, gay wrestling, eel insertions) video game humor weeaboo content (vocaloid, touhou) youtube-ripped amvs / YTP ... and then there's OC
>> [_] Anon 1823777 >># >and then there's OC Damn dude... run before crawl?!
>> [_] Anon 1823796 >># Meaning there are flashes that don't fit into /any/ of those categories, but are still recognized for what they are. Hence, successful OC.
>> [_] Anon 1823814 >># you forgot trance music with loopy loops
>> [_] Anon 1823816 >># suck my le balls i come where i please nigger lel
>> [_] Anon 1823821 /f/ has traditions? Seriously. I've been here near on 6 years I think, /f/ was all I came to 4chan for once upon a time, and as near as I can tell, /f/ is in the same pristine condition it always was in. The ratios between the types of posts seems to differ lately, but more or less it's the same style of content, just a different day. So the only thing that'd properly do it justice then is a flash file that randomly chooses another flash file from somewhere on /f/. A mirror to life.
Created: 5/12 -2012 03:19:57 Last modified: 6/3 -2019 04:15:03 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:47:08