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Threads (1):
File: swfunrelated2.swf-(1 KB, Other) [_] AS 3.0 Help Please Anon 1843851 Any ActionScript 3 fags out there? I have a movie clip with 60 frames in it and I have a function attached to a button that gotoAndStops to a random frame in that movie clip. There is a sound in each one of those frames. How do I replay the particular frame that I'm already stopped at? Swf unrelated >> [_] Anon 1843913 That's a tricky one, I would put everything in the frame inside a movieclip so that the mc can loop while the root frame stays stopped. >> [_] Anon 1843976 gotoAndStop(currentframe) also >using frames fucking pleb, do everything in an .as file |