File: oldb music.swf-(5.01 MB, 320x200, Other)
[_] Old/b/ Purrsistent newfag 09/03/14(Wed)06:56 No.2513268
Anyone remember this day? Was just listening and thought I'd share the memory.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)06:58 No.2513269
The day started a new life outside 4chan
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)07:00 No.2513270
Newfag here. What's the music sauce and context?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)07:01 No.2513271
Feel you bro!
Nowadays i only lurk around once every week to see if it has gone to shit already.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)07:04 No.2513272
>tfw you used to make fun of people for being newfags because they were only "here since old /b/
thanks for making me feel old as fuck op
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)07:19 No.2513284
Strange feeling when former newfags call themselves "old". My definition of old would be around
the W. T. Snacks incident era.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)07:27 No.2513286
LOL those where good times!
>> [_] Purrsistent newfag 09/03/14(Wed)07:35 No.2513291
I was actually deleting a few folders worth of stuff. Cut out 10+ folders. It's hard to break the
habit. Even with the images, threads, etc. gone the memories still linger.
Can't quite get myself to get rid of this though. It just really stuck with me.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)07:41 No.2513297
Get another harddrive! Could be good memories in 20+ years.
>> [_] Purrsistent newfag 09/03/14(Wed)07:47 No.2513301
The damage is done, besides I probably need the distance. I don't have a job right now and I'm a
far far land away from being a rich fag who could live like that.
Not to mention I got in a fight and a police report was filed against me. No idea what will
happen next. Erased 35x over.
I appreciate the advice though.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)07:50 No.2513302
Metal Gear Solid 4
Sad Snake
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)08:00 No.2513312
Encrypt the data and dig down the harddrive until the investigations are over
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)09:01 No.2513356
I still consider myself new, after seven fucking years.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)09:09 No.2513362
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)09:20 No.2513371
I deleted my 4chan folders but I still come back.
I only post no pictures now.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)09:26 No.2513375
Story of my life
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)09:56 No.2513401
There are no oldfags, really. Some people are here for years and never assimilate (see:
tripfags), and some have a grasp of the culture and etiquette before they even make their first
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)10:04 No.2513409
This day fucking changed sothing. Just sum faggots talking about the end and then everything went
on the next day.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)10:43 No.2513434
Advice to any newfags here, lurk on a board that interests you, anything other than /b/
If you confine yourself to /b/ you will only become part of the cancer that it is today, so find
a board that you connect with, lurk there for a while, then you can start posting once you know
all references/in-jokes and board culture.
>> [_] Purrsistent newfag 09/03/14(Wed)11:28 No.2513486
You know it's funny because without being as well in control of my emotions as I am I probably
wouldn't have made it as far as I have.
Yeah, I've always thought that was kind of it. E̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶f̶a̶g̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶
̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶f̶a̶g̶s̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶l̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶s̶.̶ ̶
Actually, you can only experience it. It's not anything that can be explained. Like being at a
slipknot concert and being called a maggot. It's expected and wouldn't feel at home otherwise.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:31 No.2513491
Older than I am.
came here in 2010
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:33 No.2513492
>tfw been here since 2003
how do I leave?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:35 No.2513497
W.T. Snacks?
Oh, you mean that person everyone has googled, and is widely know about throughout every
generation of users.
>I just mentioned the one that shall not be named
>now everyone knows I am a veteran user
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:36 No.2513499
Confirmed 12 year old
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:40 No.2513501
Get moot drunk and convince him to delete 4chan.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:44 No.2513506
>le olefag is upset
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:45 No.2513509
I remember.
>6-7 years of lurking on this god forsaken site
>> [_] Purrsistent newfag 09/03/14(Wed)11:48 No.2513513
That is your opinion, though perhaps to your relief I'll add that it's been quite some time. The
principle is still the same.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:48 No.2513514
I've been here ever since I heard this place has celebrity nudes. Am I old yet?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)11:59 No.2513526
thank god for marmandy jones. but really though, if it were a time id like to bring back, it'd be
japan time on vidya.
that and all the music and random background shit they used to blare over boards.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)12:11 No.2513546
>4 years of lurking since 2006
>started posting around jessi slaughter fiasco
>when do i stop
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)12:34 No.2513572
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)12:45 No.2513586
It's my understanding that:
1. Newfag and oldfag status is not something to be or to be proved; by claiming you are an oldfag
you are demonstrating that you still act like a newfag
2. As soon as you leave and post elsewhere you're effectively a different anon
3. it doesn't matter how long you've actually been here, really nobody cares, and if you need the
anonymous validation still that you are "old" you should really look into mushrooms or lsd or
something that would help you to mentally validate yourself and free you from the grips of this
4chan is a place where anything goes and the highest quality material comes by accident or by
lucky hivemind. nothing forced is ever worth remembering.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)12:47 No.2513589
>Reading the thread
>People saying they have been here for 7 fucking years
>Think to myself, holy shit these guys are old fags
>start thinking back to when I started browsing 4chan
>Realizing I've been browsing this piece of shit board for 9 fucking years
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)12:47 No.2513591
I've been here since Milhouse was a meme.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)12:53 No.2513604
Looks like someone googled W.T Snacks alright...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)12:57 No.2513609
Man I stopped counting the years as soon as I showed up. I remember thinking this place was
magical because even though everyone was anonymous people could still tell who were were by how
you typed(lol samefagging) and you had to be around to see the threads to get any of the jokes
because there were so many filters and "code words" that you could only really understand what
was being said after years of lurking. man. to be that new again... I remember when you really
couldn't talk about 4chan because it really wasn't a popular place yet. before moot sold out to
the feds. before efg became the face of internet revolutionaries. before the redbox spamming
brought the captchas. when you could frontpage combo a shoopdawhoop or when "niggers" filtered to
"peanut butter". before "epic fail" became the cringiest phrase to exist. ah, man. those were the
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)13:06 No.2513620
>implying snacks was he who shall not be named
>not Soviet Russia and his little /z/ and /5/ circlejerk butt buddies
Those were the fun times though.
I still miss liturthursday. I don't miss .js exploits and MySQL errors.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/03/14(Wed)13:09 No.2513625
It seems like everyone on 4chan starts at /b/ and just kind of branches out from there. Only
after frequenting other boards did I see how much of a cesspool /b/ actually is and always was.