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This is resource DGBGH2J, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/9 -2014 16:10:11

Ended:4/9 -2014 19:09:57

Checked:4/9 -2014 19:33:51

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 31.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: SubsVsDubs.swf-(7.18 MB, 640x480, Anime)
[_] Were they even trying? Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:05 No.2514795

  These are the original unedited English Dubs, shown with the Japanese translation.

  I'm completely blown away by the fact that they seem to be completely missing the sentiment in
  this scene. Yes the whole anime is like this. And they even take these kinds of liberties with
  major plot points, things I would have missed had I not rewound and read the subs over.

  You should post some more OC, and actually its pretty easy to cut up a video segment and make OC
  for /f/. On this video I used any video converter free. I added the episode, clipped out the
  segment that I wanted and changed the output format to .swf .

  Everyone likes the usual assortment of reposts, but lets see some OC today.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:11 No.2514797

  Noe really that huge of difference. I think you guys are just unbearable autists.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:11 No.2514799

  >You should post some more OC, and actually its pretty easy to cut up a video segment and make OC
  for /f/. On this video I used any video converter free. I added the episode, clipped out the
  segment that I wanted and changed the output format to .swf .

  you had one job /f/ and that was not to teach these losers how to make youtube rips

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:11 No.2514800

  sauce ?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:13 No.2514803

  >an animu on /f/ I haven't seen yet?
  >must be good because only good animus getting posted on /f/
  >he/r/p de/r/p sauce
  you faggot have too much fucking time on your hand

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:14 No.2514805

  stop using stale pasta please i don't like the monotonic no souce givers

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:20 No.2514811

  source ?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:22 No.2514812

  Generator Gawl

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:24 No.2514815

  Uh, "wasn't that big of a difference"? Dude this went from him just evading her questions, and
  being clueless about her liking him to shitty overly dramatic bullshit. That's like someone
  making Goku look like GI Joe for a US audience. It would have been shitty, as depicted here.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:26 No.2514817

  >making Goku look like GI Joe for a US audience
  you've just answered your question

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:36 No.2514824

  The difference:
  Sub: Dude has rented a room in a house. Girl decides he is part of family. Dude don't think he is
  part of the family. Fight over it. Dude leaves.

  Dub: Dude has rented a room in a house. Girl decides they are friends. Dude don't think they are
  friends. Fight over it. Dude leaves.

  Adding an exuse (the milk) instead of saying "I dont want to talk to you" over and over, does not
  change the scene.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:38 No.2514826

  its because
  >the American translation/dub studio don't give given the scripts
  >usually they know fuck all actual Japanese, just textbook Japanese
  >low low low budgets
  >intense deadlines, so they wing it a lot and make major liberties with the scripts combined with
  the above points

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:38 No.2514828


  best dubs ever was on crouching tiger hidden dragon. Seriously I didn't even realize it wasn't
  shot in english until like the 3rd time I watched it.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)09:39 No.2514831

  yes, it doesn't change
  and if you rewrite shakespeare's plays to modern english the meaning stays the same

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)10:03 No.2514839

  >implying subers have the script
  >implying subers know Japanese
  >implying subers HAVE a budget
  >implying subers don't want to be "first", wing it a lot and take liberties with the scripts

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)10:27 No.2514852

  Doesn't change it?
  Eh, depends how closely you are looking at it.

  Does it make it suck? Yes. Incredibly. I fucking can't even... just no. Dubs suck dick 99% of the

  Voice acting is also worse in my opinion.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)10:59 No.2514875

  I actually liked the dubs more :|
  Also, take into consideration that the dubs have to be somehow compatible to the movement of
  character's mouth, so of course it's going to be different than subs that don't have to care
  about such things.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:03 No.2514879

  You just think that because you have autism.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:06 No.2514884

  This is why dubs suck. I've been watching anime for over 10 years now, and dubs have always been
  shit. Anything dubbed gets "westernized"

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:13 No.2514891

  murica is always dumb not even subs :D

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:22 No.2514893

  Cowboy Bebop had good english dub so did Kromartie highschool

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:26 No.2514897

  Don't try reasoning with them, they are viscous weebs that cuckolds for Japan.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:28 No.2514899

  What if the subs are wrong and the dub is right?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:29 No.2514901

  >I'm completely blown away by the fact that they seem to be completely missing the sentiment in
  this scene.

  Except it isn't, you fucking weeb

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:48 No.2514919

  I want that Jacket.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:48 No.2514920

  > I've been watching anime for over 10 years now
  *tips fedora*

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:55 No.2514927

  ey but for real doe, that jaket is pretty sick. all ive got that comes close is a fukin 400 lb

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)11:56 No.2514928

  Yeah because you're fluent in Japanese and can tell when they're doing a good job.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)12:00 No.2514932

  not really hes right about it for the most part.

  dbz was good to.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)12:00 No.2514934

  It saddens me to think that people find this acceptable.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/14(Thu)12:04 No.2514936

  This is why you never ever watch English dubs. Not only does it sound worse but they change what
  they are saying as well.

  Also you can improve the quality of your FLV if you use this OP:

  Since you were talking about making original content. Just do as you normally do, export to AVI
  and use flvmaker to make the FLV file and to put it in a swf container.
Created: 4/9 -2014 16:10:11 Last modified: 4/9 -2014 19:33:52 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:42:00