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This is resource EK7LPWC, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2553570 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19. Discovered flash files: 1
File: Music Box.swf-(7.37 MB, 320x240, Other) [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)21:10 No.2553570 U.N. Owen Was Her? >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)21:19 No.2553582 [applauds slowly] >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)21:27 No.2553591 She could beat dick for days. >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)21:37 No.2553599 What is this? >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)21:58 No.2553615 >>2553599 Forgot the name of the song, but its considered the hardest song to play on guitar hero 2 /r/ing the guy playing the piano version of this song >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:10 No.2553626 >>2553615 got it >>2553624 >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:16 No.2553634 >>2553599 John Stump - Death Waltz >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:47 No.2553663 >>2553615 Not the song, the machine. >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:48 No.2553668 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gaMX_NTLRw I actually put the name when I post it this U.N. Owen Was Her? nobody can beat auto piano >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:51 No.2553669 >>2553663 It's a music box ... >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:52 No.2553670 >>2553669 If you put a different piece of paper in would it play a different song? >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:54 No.2553677 >>2553670 yep >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:54 No.2553678 >>2553670 Yes. Prove right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEcZV92y78k&list=RD9VH_R-owfNQ&index=7 >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)22:56 No.2553684 >> meant to say proof >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)23:02 No.2553693 how did you make this, and how long did it gake >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)23:05 No.2553700 >>2553693 Nothing is ever OC here, anon. >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)23:08 No.2553706 >>2553693 what he said. there's some tutorials online on how to craft one though >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)23:11 No.2553711 >>2553591 haha that was my first thought as well >> [_] Anonymous 10/05/14(Sun)23:12 No.2553712 >>2553570 tired of this memesong 2hu fucking sucks at least watch anime and play an actual if you're going to be gay |