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This is resource GLWAS88, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/9 -2014 09:35:39

Ended:14/9 -2014 16:31:28

Checked:14/9 -2014 16:49:50

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Gobernment Lies.swf-(9.85 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Hello is this /pol/? Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)02:32 No.2527051

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)02:34 No.2527054

  they probably straightened a fucking picture on the wall while cleaning their home because
  fucking cameras were going to be in there

  fucking idiots

>> [_] AdamB15 09/14/14(Sun)02:45 No.2527071

  IT wasn't bad, it was actually funny. Then you put in all the ironic shitposting MLG noscope shit.

  Get fukd.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)02:50 No.2527074

  if you think this was funny you are trash

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)02:55 No.2527076

  suck my dick faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)03:27 No.2527096

  No this is /x/.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)05:15 No.2527172

  >He blinks before the bang of the frame hitting the floor
  >clearly scripted
  0/10, you can't fool me jews

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)06:00 No.2527207

  DIllon, you son of a bitch

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)06:18 No.2527219

  >implying they aren't the same

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)06:39 No.2527244

  fucking scripted, send this to /pol/ for examination

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)06:59 No.2527262

  It's obviously not their home, you fucking idiots

  It's a set. They probably thought it was a studio noise, who the fuck wouldn't, I dunno, TURN
  AROUND if they thought one of their personal belongings broke. It must have sounded like a studio
  noise from where they were sitting, they didn't even flinch

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)07:06 No.2527269

  >surely he'll turn around and look at what that noise was
  >surely she'll turn around and look at what that noise was
  >any moment now
  >oh it's too late for me to turn around now, oh well we were told to continue to watch the camera
  so it looks like we're actually synced up and listening to her talk
  >why can't news stationed have two people synced up anyway, skype can do it
  >my feet hurt, I miss my brother

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)07:15 No.2527272

  That girl was also in an interview for the sandy hook shootings.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)07:38 No.2527284

  in my country, interviews are synced properly. thats why the reporter always stares at the camera
  for 3 (on continent) to 5 (worldwide) seconds even after the local tv announcer is finished with
  his question. after the remote reporter has finished, its takes about this time again for the
  in-station guy to notice the remote guys has finished and continue.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)07:44 No.2527292

  >in my country
  stopped reading there

  As if I'm going to read some fucking 3rd world nation's bullshit comments

>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)09:30 No.2527351

  and was seen plummeting to the ground in 9/11
  she was also listed as one of the hijackers
  there are also secret CCTV recordings of her placing TNT in the tower.
Created: 14/9 -2014 09:35:39 Last modified: 14/9 -2014 16:50:01 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:37:23