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This is resource HOAMXCH, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/10 -2014 14:37:12

Ended:12/10 -2014 21:29:50

Checked:12/10 -2014 21:36:11

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 57.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Call The Cops.swf-(9.24 MB, 400x224, Other)
[_] >>2560471 Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)07:33 No.2560714

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)07:42 No.2560717

  source anyone?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)07:45 No.2560719


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)08:46 No.2560744

  This what happen when you're a nigger*

  fucking retard

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)09:20 No.2560761

  If you actually watch the video there's white people being victimized too. And some wiggers, but
  they aren't people so they don't count.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)09:37 No.2560772

  Grow up faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)09:55 No.2560788


  Or you could stop being a retarded nigger. If I call them, they'll kill you. For me. I won't have
  to pull my Steyr Pistol LA-1. Or I will, and once I've shot you, they'll put pepper spray in the

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:04 No.2560796


  More edges than a knife fight at a barbershop

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:12 No.2560798

  This is what happens when you summarize hundreds of instances into 1/2 second blips, where the
  truth of who is at fault lies in a gray area, rather than black and white.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:14 No.2560800

  might be a legit reason for cop attacks baby...

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:17 No.2560802

  Was that in there? You'll have to point to a timer with millisecond indicator and I'll look up
  the story on it.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:21 No.2560809

  Also, it's easiest to mislead or sell an agenda if it's sandwiched by the truth.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:21 No.2560810

  even if I wasn't half drunk that qouldn't happen.hell,you could just google 'cop attacks
  baby'.I'd hope there is only one instance but it should turn up...I didn't find anything
  though.Do you like James Franco?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:23 No.2560812

  i don't really like rap but nice one OP

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:34 No.2560824

  I found a few stories of cops saving the life of a baby, when some ignorant asshole tried to get
  violent while holding one.

  I imagine there are countless reports of cops doing their job and saving lives, but that doesn't
  tend to make the news.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:40 No.2560826

  >cant become an officer if your IQ is too high as you may 'endanger' fellow officers

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)10:52 No.2560834

  cops kill white guy for acting black on 8/11/14

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:00 No.2560840

  I m a pleb asian, whut's muh chances of surviving in 'murrica?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:05 No.2560843

  the only thing a cop has ever done for me is haul drunks out of my gas station and give me
  tickets for endangering my own life.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:09 No.2560844

  asians are pretty damn safe

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:11 No.2560846

  >Because of the graphic nature, THe Salt Lake Tribune has opted not to post it.
  or because he didn't find any gun?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:18 No.2560849

  >dude, like the cops are like totally nazis bro, they're fucking machines that intend to do
  everything that they do, they are never afraid, angry, or upset in any way, and they always hurt
  innocent citizens who have committed no heinous crime or have shot at the friends of the cops
  while resisting arrest. I hate the fucking racist system man, I'm going to ignore the good that
  the police do 99% of the time so that I can hyper focus on the few bad things done by a few
  /f/ is literally sheltered white high schoolers who listen to rap music

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:25 No.2560853

  If I were the police officer in that situation of course I'd shoot him. He tells the guy multiple
  times to get his hands out and stop moving but he does neither. Finally he pulls his hands out,
  while still backing up, and has something in them. There is no reason to not believe it is a gun
  at that point and that if you don't fire he will try and shoot you dead. A cop that hesitates is
  a dead cop in a lot of situations.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:30 No.2560858

  i keep hearing "most cops are good and you only hear about the bad ones", but the fact that i
  keep hearing about the bad ones is why they make me feel unsafe. that and courts never charging
  they didn't even charge that zimmerman idiot for murdering a kid. i'm still mad about it

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:31 No.2560859

  Fuck the Police.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:34 No.2560862

  I guess you always believe everything you see on msnbc and absolutely nothing else. I might try
  to explain what the media does to gain viewers, but it would all be wasted on you.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:48 No.2560867

  4chan comments are worse than youtube comments

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)11:57 No.2560868

  American cops are in a bad place training wise. Military gear without military discipline. The
  issue is not a reflection on them personally. There's a reason the military goes through the
  bullshit training they do. Shit's just human nature.

  That said, I'm middle class and white so I don't really have anything to fear unless I join a

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:12 No.2560881


  This is the incident about attacking a baby that the song was referencing.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:21 No.2560890

  >yfw when we no longer live in colonies in the 1600s where politicians and constables were part
  time jobs to avoid this kind of behavior

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:29 No.2560899

  bull shit he was un armed and had head phones in he should have pulled the plugs out but reached
  for his phone instead that choice got him killed.

  a cop wearing a vest who hesitates has a low chance of getting killed by a gangster with little
  to no gun training, an unarmed citizen has a high probability of getting killed by a cop who
  trains with his weapon all the time and shoots to kill the first time.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:34 No.2560904


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:36 No.2560908

  I like the fact that he wore some decent attire.
  White or black, I wouldn't take a rap about police brutality seriously if he was dressed like
  some thug

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:40 No.2560912

  you mean that it's like, wait for it, their job? literally what they're paid to do, given the
  right to open carry, to use it, have a whole force back them up, set themselves above people,
  what they signed up and agreed to do?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:43 No.2560915


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:47 No.2560918

  >being this new

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:48 No.2560919

  bro, i'm not all for cops, but it ain't fucking hard, they tell you to put your hands up, you
  don't reach for shit, you don't grab shit, you don't show shit, you just put your hands up like
  they's that fucking simple, and avoids you getting shot.

  >oh but anon, what if they're bad cops?
  then you'd be fucked either way unless you were willing and able to outgun or outrun them.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:48 No.2560920

  nice opinion

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:49 No.2560921

  This has to be one of the most retarded videos I've ever seen
  >Look at some corrupt assholes which obviously represent every cop

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:51 No.2560923


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:52 No.2560926

  I hope that one day you have to call the cops and get shot

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)12:54 No.2560928

  >Trusting your life to anyone or anything but yourself and your AR.
  Don't worry, anon, ain't no need to call the cops.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)13:03 No.2560930

  >on the few bad things done by a few officers.
  how sheltered can one be to believe this bullshit? how is being anti-corruption such a terrible
  thing? my god you faggots who never went out into the real world and actually seen police
  bullshit deserve to get beaten the shit out of these "protector of justice". it should be their
  job to protect and retain peace, that is what they're paid for, that is why they're given an open
  carry gun, and rights that you and I don't.
  however, they don't, and in fact, don't need to. they can just watch someone get murdered on
  their off time and not do anything about it. their job is to enforce the law, not protect you, so
  of course people are not only going to be against corrupt cops, they're going to be against the
  whole concept in general

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)13:03 No.2560931

  yeah we live in a world where you comply you die.
  took his hands outa his pokest just like he was told to took his phone out too,

  he clearly deserved to die.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)13:06 No.2560934

  you saw how fast that shit happend it was in a matter of seconds dude probly didnt even know wtf
  he did before he died.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)13:34 No.2560951

  Imagine walking down the street, not a care in the world. Maybe you're half out of it day
  dreaming. Maybe you're listening to music and your headset is turned up high. Maybe the sun is in
  your eyes and your vision is whited out for a few seconds adjusting to the light.

  Surprise nigger, quick time event. Put your hands in the air or you die. You got 3 seconds bitch.
  Hand caught in your pocket? Too bad fag you're dead.

  This is the world you want to live in?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)13:40 No.2560953

  Nice story. This happens all the time. Hey, are you looking to buy some timeshares in Cabo?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)13:41 No.2560956


  >hand caught in pocket

  A pocket is literally designed for you to slide your hand in and out of it. How the LIVING FUCK
  could it be caught in there?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)13:55 No.2560967

  Did I say it happens a lot? It only needs to happen once for you to die.

  Guess you've never made a sudden move with your hands in your pockets, or you wear some tiny ass

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:02 No.2560969

  you also only need to trip and fall down a flight of stairs once to die.

  if we go by that logic anything can be deemed dangerous or stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:07 No.2560973

  I'm in control of my own feet when I walk down a flight of stairs you dipshit. A tragic accident
  is different from a guy with a gun shooting you because you didn't react in time. One is
  unavoidable, the other could be stopped if we actually held people accountable.

  You're about as dense as I'd expect a pro-cop nigger. One day you'll see cops for what they
  really are.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:13 No.2560977

  >country of 350 million+ people
  >several instances of police misconduct over decades


  Of course shit like this is gonna happen, it's called human nature and statistics over several
  years. For every example in this video there are millions of situations where the police acted
  fairly. You edgy fags are always gonna blow shit like this out of proportion when you live in the
  first world and don't have to deal with real problems, or *truly* corrupt police. If you lived in
  90s Russia you'd think American police were fucking saints.

  Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of cops and dislike government bullshit in general, but for fuck's
  sake pick something relevant to bitch about. If you're going to cry about the police, at least
  cry about what they're *legally* allowed to do on a regular basis instead of boo-hooing about
  shit that would happen even among the most well-meaning peacekeeping organization over a period

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:16 No.2560979

  Muh blanket statements. Contrary to popular belief, police officers are human beings with
  families. If I was being confronted with a dangerous situation, on the job, I'm going to choose
  my wife and my kids over some random person on the street. Police need to make snap judgement,
  and occasionally, it ends up being the wrong decision. If you were in the situation where you
  weren't sure if you would get to go home at night, since people like you believe all police are
  monsters, should be executed, etc, wouldn't you put defense of your life above all? I'm sorry
  that you got pulled over for a busted head light, and the cop was a dick. Really, I am. But the
  way you're acting shows extreme immaturity. You've got a lot of growing up to do, pal; try to
  stay off the internet until you do.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:20 No.2560985



>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:22 No.2560988


  you're throwing your hands up metaphorically with that argument.

  >part of the problem.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:23 No.2560991

  i'm on the weird side of youtube again

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/14(Sun)14:27 No.2560994

  if a cop kills an innocent there should be a life debt of some kind. idk what, but not just, oh
  im sry i killed your kid, brother, friend etc.
  deal with it.
Created: 12/10 -2014 14:37:12 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:14:01 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:18:48