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This is resource J71LLWI, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/8 -2014 10:29:16

Ended:31/8 -2014 15:49:27

Checked:31/8 -2014 16:51:09

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: IN THE YEAH 2525.swf-(9.83 MB, 320x180, Other)
[_] not spooky Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:22 No.2509523

  cool songarino

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:28 No.2509525

  nice song :)

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:30 No.2509527

  Was expecting heman

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:35 No.2509534

  >renaming one of the best flashes ever

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:41 No.2509540

  A song so ahead of it's time.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:42 No.2509542

  This whole fucking song makes me wonder where humans are going to be hundreds of years from now
  and how insignificant everything we're doing now really is. I mean, we might become
  super-advanced and actually become a society of vegetables with robots doing everything for us,
  we might make sex unnecessary by being able to create children through test tubes, hell, we might
  even figure out the meaning of life. But when all's said and done, we're all just going to die.
  Even if we find the secret to immortality, the Earth and sun won't live on forever. Shit's going
  to go down eventually and we won't be there to see it happen, it's kind of disappointing.

  Anyway, back to porn.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:56 No.2509556

  >. But when all's said and done, we're all just going to die. Even if we find the secret to
  immortality, the Earth and sun won't live on forever. Shit's going to go down eventually and we
  won't be there to see it happen, it's kind of disappointing.

  this really isn't that deep, if you read something you learn that technology will soon allow us
  to print out organ, automation will become a very large part of your life as well.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)03:57 No.2509557

  Heat death occurs.
  No more sun.
  Go underground.
  Nuclear power.
  Live until every usable atom is depleted.
  Die from local entropy.
  It's been a good run.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)04:03 No.2509561


  This song talks about millenia changing (2525, 3535), but just think how far people came in just
  200 years, let along 1000. We went from thinking powered flight was impossible to landing on the
  moon. I mean in the year 1014 the Vikings still ruled England. Now we fly around the earth daily
  and can communicate instantly with anyone on the planet. I can't even IMAGINE what the next 1000
  years will bring. If the difference is even remotely as large as the 1014 to 2014, the people
  from 3014 will basically be gods to us.

  But you're right, we probably won't live to see it. I think we'll see people frequently live to
  150 in our lifetimes, but functional immortality is probably outside of our lifetimes. Its sad to
  think I won't see what wonders or horrors the far future will bring. I sometimes wonder if anyone
  in the future will bother reviving those frozen people that wanted to see the future.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)05:19 No.2509603

  There isn't only one sun

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)05:24 No.2509607

  I bring gifts and good fortune, my /f/riends

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)05:57 No.2509624

  No more Sun?! TOP KEK
  The Sun will have had Meurcury, Venus and Earth as a light snack before it ever dies. Then it
  would likely take whats left of the Solar System out with it. Assumiing this Race manages to hang
  on for that long. (Some 4 Billion Years), It should be some interesting times with the Andromeda
  Galaxy then currently smashing right square bang into the Milky Way Galxay.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)05:58 No.2509625

  >But there's only One Sol.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)06:06 No.2509627

  all I want is a waifu printer

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)06:28 No.2509638


>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)07:15 No.2509668


>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)07:18 No.2509671

  We're going to be like the Romans for people 2000 years into the future. I think I'd like to make
  an impact on this earth so I will be remembered even until then.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)07:28 No.2509677

  Why are you all worried about our Sun? That's not the limit.

  We can travel to other systems and take all our shit with us.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)07:49 No.2509694

  as long as we wear flesh, we always be vulnerable to the environment.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/14(Sun)08:48 No.2509721

  He said heat death. It's a theorized end of the Universe that would occur a long, long time after
  the Sun would have gone out. All particles in the macrocosm are so far apart that they're unable
  to interact in any meaningful way, so no matter, no energy, no nothing. Just particles flying
  away from each other in eternal solitude.
Created: 31/8 -2014 10:29:16 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 04:52:00 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:15:16