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This is resource Q592EOV, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/9 -2014 09:43:08

Ended:7/11 -2014 01:21:47

Checked:7/11 -2014 01:28:09

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 30.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 6032

   Age: 48.65d   Health: 0%   Posters: 23   Posts: 30   Replies: 28   Files: 1+2

   >> New Rock Candy's flash! 12sep2014(fr)09:39 No.14886 OP P1

   [G] New Rock Candy's flash!

   New Rock Candy's flash!

    Rock Candy [Rudolf's Revenge].swf (17.76 MiB)
   780x610, Compressed. 7 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
   Ver9, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
   Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)10:54 No.14887 A P2R1

   you finally went full-gay, huh?

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)12:02 No.14889 B P3R2

   y'like that, bitch
   y'like that, bitch
   y'like that, bitch
   y'like that, bitch

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)15:47 No.14890 C P4R3

   >you finally went full-gay, huh?
   And you went full retard or what?

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)17:54 No.14894 D P5R4

   If Zu orgasms 5 times, she goes into full-on cock-slut mode.

   And if you click the "Yo" on Rudolph's anus, and then press the cum button:


   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)19:54 No.14896 C P6R5

   You must be trolling. That's outright impossible.
   I'll test that, later.

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)20:36 No.14897 E P7R6

   Confirmed just now, no troll. Only option is to cum when you're doing it, but it's there

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)22:44 No.14898 F P8R7

   Certainly better than nothing.
   >Please cum in my frontbutt!
   lol wut

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)22:53 No.14900 G P9R8


   Well, it's progress, at least. Then again, there's literal gay sex in this one, so it's a mixed

   >> Anonymous 12sep2014(fr)23:03 No.14901 G P10

   I'm surprised Zu didn't comically explode after reaching the cum inflation cap. That was funny
   when it happened in a previous flash.

   >> Anonymous 13sep2014(sa)00:05 No.14902 H P11R9

   I don't mind if Rock Candy does that more often now, but Zu was so exclusively anal that it
   feels just wrong. Like adding tomatoes to a fruit salad just because it is a fruit, too... you
   know what I mean?

   >> Anonymous 13sep2014(sa)00:42 No.14905 I P12R10

   Whatcha' got against salsa?

   >> Anonymous 13sep2014(sa)01:06 No.14906 J P13R11

   Is there a way to creampie her vag more than once?

   >> Anonymous 14sep2014(su)00:51 No.14921 K P14R12

   be happy it's more than 0.

   >> Anonymous 14sep2014(su)08:07 No.14923 L P15R13


   >> Anonymous 14sep2014(su)09:20 No.14925 M P16R14

If you just click on his YO! and then fuck you get actual vag not just creampie

   >> Anonymous 14sep2014(su)12:47 No.14926 N P17R15

   Always glad to see quality flash where we can fuck guys too. Not enough of that.

   >> Anonymous 16sep2014(tu)20:40 No.14960 O P18R16

   rock candy is like the border between cis and gay
   so that naturally means, if we get a full gay in this one, we get a full vag too

   >> Anonymous 16sep2014(tu)21:55 No.14962 G P19R17


   >actually using the word cis

   Fuck off back to tumblr

   >> Anonymous 16sep2014(tu)22:16 No.14963 P P20R18

   >actually using the word cis
   never heared or read that anywhere...

   >> Anonymous 17sep2014(we)17:38 No.14971 O P21R19

   probably because it's actually not a thing

   >> Anonymous 17sep2014(we)22:09 No.14973 Q P22R20



   What the fuck's a cis

   >> Anonymous 17sep2014(we)23:51 No.14978 R P23R21

   >"probably because it's actually not a thing"
   >"actually not a thing"
   >"not a thing"

   >> Anonymous 18sep2014(th)00:55 No.14979 S P24R22

   >"not a thing"

   >> Anonymous 18sep2014(th)06:26 No.14984 T P25R23

   cis is a thing, but person who uses it used it wrong, since you can definitely be cis and gay at
   the same time

   >> Anonymous 18sep2014(th)07:08 No.14985 U P26R24

   cis (cisgendered) means you are not transgendered, apparently the above anons don't believe in
   non-transgendered people. This has nothing to do with being gay.

   >> Anonymous 18sep2014(th)13:05 No.14987 O P27R25

   >implying with male gender it's acceptable for a male (sex) to fuck other males (sex)

   >> Anonymous 18sep2014(th)23:46 No.14996 R P28R26

   "Hey guys let's make a society with a lot of fancy, sometimes overly specific but not needed and
   ultimately useless words... Here we have a 30 year old construction worker who uses a hammer
   more often than a shovel, what should we call his left pocket? It obviously can't be named left
   pocket, 'cause then what would we call a 57 year old childless and divorced librarian with 2
   cats left pocket?"

   Bad joke/rage/whatever you interpret it as aside, do we really need the word "cisgender" at all?

   If yes, then I hereby proclaim myself 1337-h4x-überlord-swagmaster-deluxe-gendered, and only I
   fit the specification for that "gender"

   Hurr durr I'm frustrated.

   >> Anonymous 19sep2014(fr)03:57 No.14997 V P29R27

   What the fuck are you guys talking about?!

   >> Anonymous 19sep2014(fr)06:40 No.14998 G P30R28


   LGBT bullshit. This is why the first response was

   >fuck off back to tumblr
Created: 12/9 -2014 09:43:08 Last modified: 13/11 -2014 08:21:52 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:04:03