File: !Umbrella Dance!.swf-(6.36 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] if you're horny :P The Booty Guy 10/16/14(Thu)08:08 No.2564981
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:31 No.2565003
Who is she?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:36 No.2565004
Something about this bothers me.
>> [_] John Moses Browning 10/16/14(Thu)08:37 No.2565006
That this video is now 6 years old?
>not posting the meanwhile in russia version
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:44 No.2565010
You mean besides the fact that she's clearly underage?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:50 No.2565015
That's partly it.
The fact that she looks like my younger cousin probably accounts for the rest.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:55 No.2565018
>not posting the meanwhile in russia version
I've never seen that. Mind posting it now?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)08:57 No.2565019
Same here, come on OP!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:00 No.2565021
mgtow 4 life. fuck this disgusting cock carosel rider.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:14 No.2565029
For me it is about her being too scrawny + this shit is too loud, I wouldn't like being her
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:47 No.2565049
Shame she's underage, or was at the time of the video. It doesn't matter if they're scrawny.
Having a dancer get on top is an experience like no other.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:59 No.2565059
>if you're horny :P
>bitch flat as a plank
Choose one.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:01 No.2565061
Am I the only one who was waiting for her father to come in and beat the shit out of her?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:08 No.2565066
sauce !!!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:12 No.2565071
I was way more interested in the surroundings and the room itself than the girl
Wish she would've show us the table more often
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)10:22 No.2565079
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:41 No.2565132
why shame?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:42 No.2565134
was expecting her to fuck up with an umbrella and fall
then i realised it's the name of the song
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:43 No.2565135
Someone feed her for god sake.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:53 No.2565143
still haven't found this specific remix of umbrella.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:54 No.2565145
She's a kid and a girl with that.
Fucking burgerclap not used to see un-overweight peoples.