/ > /fap/ > Thread 6065
Age: 52.3d Health: 0% Posters: 3 Posts: 3 Replies: 2 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 21sep2014(su)17:51 No.15021 OP P1
Fausticorn Fart
Fus RO Da
[IMG] epicfart_u18chan.swf (3.03 MiB)
465x466, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
>> Anonymous 22sep2014(mo)07:58 No.15029 A P2R1
You're fucking kidding me, right?
what kind of fantastic degenerate actually likes this fart shit?
>> Anonymous 22sep2014(mo)10:41 No.15031 B P3R2
not to mention with ponies?
pretty sloppy work too, just a still image with some tweens basically