File: Literally every anime ever.swf-(5.6 MB, 1280x720, Anime)
[_] Warm It Up Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:20 No.2565033
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:26 No.2565040
The density of moeshit you find in these generic pieces of crap is so big you have to use
scientific notation in order not to run out of the avalaible characters in one post on /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)09:44 No.2565046
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)11:11 No.2565100
No op, the shit ones are like that.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:01 No.2565157
obvious question, what the fuck anime is that?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:13 No.2565167
its k-on isnt it
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:16 No.2565171
Aeriate it
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:26 No.2565184
it's sakura trick.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:27 No.2565186
Why is Haruhi singing on a show she isn't in?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:27 No.2565188
k on is cancer
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:29 No.2565192
>cancer can't even identify what anime it is
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:30 No.2565194
kek. Sakura Trick isn't even moe, /v/-kun. It's just really bad yuri.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:44 No.2565203
and what the fuck does this shit mean to the ears of a normal person?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)12:46 No.2565206
sakura trick is a really bad anime about lesbians.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)13:04 No.2565213
demolish my D
>> [_] Anonymous 10/16/14(Thu)13:11 No.2565219