File: Freedom.swf-(6.08 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)15:40 No.2527708
Freedom Ain't free. The tree of liberty and freedom gotta be litterd with the blood of
Patriots. Barack HUSSIEN obama aka "B.O" is not my presidnet. he is islamic gommunist
and probbaly kenyan as well. ADAM and eve not adam and STEVE ok. praise jesus.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)15:59 No.2527721
I always liked this video, as 'MURRICAN as it is.
But fuck your god.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)16:10 No.2527738
The fuckin' guy was an ACTOR.
Those weren't his beliefs, it wasn't how he conducted his Presidency, and it is an emotional
argument designed to degrade and demoralize anti-war sentiment.
Jesus and Moses were not real people in the sense he was describing them. they never had to make
the kind of loaded decisions the former President claims.
>>2527708 , if you live in the United States, then Barrack Hussein Obama is your President. His
establishment as your commander in chief is the law, so instead of being a dumbass why don't you
support our leader and vote different next time. These kinds of statements don't reflect well on
the opinions of other countries.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)17:00 No.2527810
>dying for Israel is freedom
Damn you j00z
also nice pasta
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)17:03 No.2527814
he wasn't a GOOD actor though, you stupid shit. this man bankrupted the soviet union and let us
win the cold war
his rhetoric in the 'tear down this wall' speech ACTUALLY lead to the destruction of the berlin
wall, so go fuck yourself
i don't even like reagan, but you're full of shit
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)17:09 No.2527820
>let us win the cold war
Have you looked at Russia lately? They may have changed cosmetically and let go of their poorer
satellite states, but they're starting to pull it all back together and they're doing it slowly
and steadily enough to guarantee no one is actually going to do something about it.
>> [_] AdamB15 09/14/14(Sun)17:17 No.2527829
This man has a point. The reds are regrouping, that's all. The bear's awakening and all that shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)17:20 No.2527833
>>let us win the Great War
>Have you looked at Germany lately? They may have changed cosmetically and let go of their poorer
satellite states, but they're starting to pull it all back together and they're doing it slowly
and steadily enough to guarantee no one is actually going to do something about it.
That's kind of the point of the video. They're starting this shit again. We have to deal with
their shit again.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)17:32 No.2527853
I don't support the Christ-killers.
Never, ever. The only good place for a jew is hanging from a fucking cross.
And Pilate did wash his hands, and he did say, "I shall bear not the onus of this thing. If you
are to see it done, you must see it done of yourselves."
The jews replied as a one, "Let his blood be on us, and on our children!" - Matthew, 27:25
How can you fight for the men who killed the Christ?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)18:30 No.2527905
>He's an elected official
who is the commander-in-chief of the Armed forces, not the citizens of the US. to a citizen he's
the supreme representative of our country.
To me he's just some guy who had enough money to sway voters to choose him as the president. This
is how all elected officials are chosen. Money and popularity.
>I voted for Romney.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/14/14(Sun)18:39 No.2527911
>These kinds of statements don't reflect well..
And? I wasn't aware it was the duty of the American people to please other countries.