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This is resource ZKF1AA5, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/9 -2014 09:46:03

Ended:1/9 -2014 13:26:36

Checked:1/9 -2014 13:40:04

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Mastermind_Puzzle.swf-(1.96 MB, 600x400, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)02:45 No.2510735

  Time to get that brain to work.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)02:55 No.2510739

  7 Turns in 2:23
  blue white black white
  RNJesus was in my favor

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)03:03 No.2510746

  3 turns in 0:26
  less than half the moves at twice the efficiency get on my level

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)03:13 No.2510749

  >playing on normal
  what a noob

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)03:14 No.2510750

  >or else I will destroy..
  >your mother
  lost my shit

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)03:14 No.2510751

  Easy enough, just use the Knuth algorithm and crack every code in 5 turns or less

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)03:18 No.2510753

  >metagaming puzzles
  I bet you're fun at parties

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)03:27 No.2510755


  No time to party, too busy saving the world to do anything but post mah leetness to 4chin

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:00 No.2510782

  There's a party in my head and no one is invited

>> [_] Rave 09/01/14(Mon)04:02 No.2510783

  Well your rude arent you?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:05 No.2510786

  I can't risk letting hooligans in and having them track mud around the place

>> [_] Rave 09/01/14(Mon)04:09 No.2510791

  Tell them to leave there shoes at the door then.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:17 No.2510794

  I have things to do, I don't want to be standing at the door inspecting everyone who happens by

>> [_] Rave 09/01/14(Mon)04:18 No.2510795

  Leave a note?

  How many people do you think are coming over O.O

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:20 No.2510796

  Yeah seriously, who has friends anymore?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:22 No.2510797

  I don't think anyone will be coming, I haven't invited a soul

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:31 No.2510799

  this is fucking hard for a noob

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:40 No.2510800

  this is a game of the mind, experience gives minimal benifit

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)04:47 No.2510803

  Once you get the hang of it it's rather hard to fail. It's a good exersise for your mental health

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)05:14 No.2510815

  5 turns, 9:52, feeling pretty good

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)05:21 No.2510822

  oh shit I played it again on hard and got 4 turns in 1:13

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)05:38 No.2510835

  Let's do an average of ten

  Hard 6turns 35sec
  Hard 4turns 19sec
  Hard 7turns 48sec
  Hard 3turns 13sec lol
  Hard 6turns 29sec
  Hard 6turns 39sec
  Hard 9turns 84sec
  Hard 6turns 39sec
  Hard 6turns 41sec
  Hard 6turns 34sec

  Average 5.8turns in 38.1sec
  Cambodia, Capitalism, French southern wine regions, outer space and my mom are all safe

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)05:56 No.2510847

  That's impressive. I ussualy need 6-7 turns but atleast a few minutes to solve it.

  What's your secret?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)06:02 No.2510855

  Guess all reds.
  If I see 1 red is correct it will automatically show 1 as correctplace
  Guess RGGG. If the red was in the correct place then I have at least one correctplace found out.
  If I get no other correctcolor or correctplaces from the greens, then I know there are no greens.
  Had I had no greens and the red one was not correctplace, then move on to BRBB, wherein I check
  for blues AND concurrently check for the correct placement of red.
  If there are no blues then next guess is YYRY, if no yellows then next has to be XXXR.

  If the first guess had two reds, then the pattern for your secondary process is

  if there are 3 reds then it's

  It's basically that while concurrently doing the primary process of checking for new colors.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Mon)06:24 No.2510874

  Really simple yet effective.
Created: 1/9 -2014 09:46:03 Last modified: 1/9 -2014 13:40:05 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:09:37