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This is the wiki page for Flash #120149
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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 9/1 -2013 23:40:57 Ended: 10/1 -2013 05:08:17Flashes: 1 Posts: 23
File: Flash.swf-(79 KB, Hentai)
[_] Gregory 1853210 I heard you guys like OC? Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 1853214 *waited for screamer* Oh, wow! Where could I find more like this?
>> [_] Anon 1853222 >># Click the hole in the tree
>> [_] Anon 1853235 >OC >first uploaded yesterday Yup.
>> [_] Gregory 1853241 >># Bitch I'm the artist.
>> [_] Anon 1853245 >># Does that qualify it as OC? Also, make more... For science
>> [_] Anon 1853246 >># I already clicked and liked :3 Please go on, you doing well
>> [_] Anon 1853249 >># This isn't art.
>> [_] Anon 1853250 >># YOU AREN'T ART
>> [_] Anon 1853251 >># Of course i'm not, thats just a shitty furry flash. And i'm just a person that loves to judge others.
>> [_] Anon 1853257 God speed flash man your work will be loved among /f/ so long as you avoid the autism that poisons the other boards
>> [_] Anon 1853260 >># >godspeed flash >godspeed is now an adjective
>> [_] Anon 1853261 >># >furry You do realize that the only "furry" thing about her is the ears, right? This barely qualifies as furry. It is definitively, however, a tentacle rape flash.
>> [_] Anon 1853264 >># It's not, anon is just retarded. >># And her nose. (and her coloration and those stripes on his face, but maybe those could be attributed to being an alien, or something.)
>> [_] Anon 1853267 She's a Mithra.
>> [_] Gregory 1853273 >># winner, winner, chicken dinner
>> [_] Anon 1853281 >># What amazes me the most, is how people didn't understand this. Also do you have a link to anymore of your work?
>> [_] Gregory 1853287 >># First flash, actually. But my work is on FA under the name ThisAccountAreMine
>> [_] Anon 1853324 Really? Again? The artwork is... acceptable for a flash, but the animation is jerky and poorly constructed (also the button is not obvious in the slightest). There is no emotion to the character and little movement. Finally, there is no end, leaving you clicking through repeated, dull speech, waiting to see if there's even any nudity 4/10 compared to every other flash 2/10 compared to posted sexual flashes
>> [_] Anon 1853325 So much samefaggotry that I suspect I'm only the second guy in this thread. About the flash, it sucks. This crap belongs to the poorly drawn daily autistic flash cesspool.
>> [_] Anon 1853471 >># he jelly
>> [_] Kalder 1853476 >># so, you are the artist, you have any profile so we can find you?
>> [_] Anon 1853500 >># I jelly too.

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Created: 10/1 -2013 00:09:51 Last modified: 5/3 -2019 12:11:57 Server time: 17/03 -2025 05:02:40