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Threads (1):
File: thinginyourpants.swf-(1.36 MB, Loop) [_] Thing in your pants Anon 1861307 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1861314 I vaguely recognize that. What the fuck is that from? >> [_] Anon 1861317 >># Star Trek Voyager It's an episode where they encounter a timetravelling ship from the 29th century and get instantly teleported to late 20th century Earth. Their ship gets spotted by an Earth corporatist astronomic watcher/lab and they have to go down there to wipe the data on their ship. The girl is the astronomic thing's operator and the vulcan and the human are Tuvok, Voyager's Tactical Officer, and Tom Paris, Voyager's pilot. IIRC. >> [_] Anon 1861320 >># THAT'S how I knew it. Tuvok's voice was too damned familiar. >> [_] Anon 1861378 >># it's one of the movies apparently >> [_] Anon 1861381 >># No, it isn't. It's from the series itself >> [_] Anon 1861470 This makes me kind of want to watch voyager. |