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15,65 MiB, 07:31 | [W] [I]

Threads (3):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 15/3 -2017 17:11:35 Ended: 28/4 -2017 13:37:02Flashes: 1 Posts: 17
/ > /fap/ > Thread 10938 Age: 36.84d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 17 Replies: 16 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 46240 [IMG] modifuckrs.swf (15.65 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 10371 frames, 23.97 fps (07:13). Ver19, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 46251 I know this is quite old, why havn't they made more like this?
>> Anon 46252 That would be Zone work. They just recently released the Ghostbuster video a while back.
>> Anon 46257 >># >video There's the problem right there. It's really sad how he has turned his back on the flash community.
>> Anon 46262 >># >what is the Ghostbusters video for 500 But yeah, Modifuckers is one of my favs
>> Anon 46270 >># Uhm it IS a flash. Only some crappy mp4 got posted here due to its enormous size
>> Anon 46272 >># Uhm first of all Zone only ever released a video and second I don't think the swf file would be even close to 70 MiB (swfchan's upload limit) if Zone did release it. If you can link me to the actual swf I'll admit that I'm wrong and all is forgiven but you can't since Zone turned his back on us. It doesn't matter if he "made it in flash" if the swf file isn't exported. >># Just dawned on me that you probably don't know about the Zone collection:
>> Anon 46284 >># >hurrdurr I live under a rock!
>> Anon 46315 I miss old Zone tbh. The ghost busters was not worth the wait. Wish he went back to his animu style flash days.
>> Anon 46329 >># Well I've actually seen the real one in HD but I dunno if it was just a video or a swf file. Forgot where I watched it tho but it was far better in quality than the one here.
>> Anon 46360 >># anime tiddies > Cartoon Tits
>> Anon 46362 >># It was a video and it was just 1080p, a resolution that is already old.
>> Anon 46366 This and the Jinx animation are the best Zone ever did.
>> Anon 46374 >># >jinx meh, yeah can argue >this hmmmmmmmmmm idk man, there's biocock after that maybe it's just that the characters don't ring any bell in my head, which is always a plus on r34
>> Anon 46449 >># ahh! another man of culture I see!
>> Anon 46887 >># sternAnimation/TheModifyers
>> Anon 47987 >># Meh, I only have a 1080 monitor so I don't care about this new-fangled 4k shit >># >># >># Yeah, don't forget the several Raven flashes too, personally Biocock is my favourite, I don't know how often I fapped to it, also the bonus music is very cool

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 17/8 -2016 22:51:46 Ended: 20/10 -2016 19:50:40Flashes: 1 Posts: 27
/ > /fap/ > Thread 9599 Age: 56.87d Health: 0% Posters: 20 Posts: 27 Replies: 24 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 37839 [IMG] modifuckrs.swf (15.65 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 10371 frames, 23.97 fps (07:13). Ver19, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 38426 hey i remember this
>> Anon 38487 A classic
>> Anon 38500 new flash WHEN
>> Anon 38503 >># I'm 99% positive ZONE is gone for good
>> Anon 38513 This is like years old. Almost one of Zone's first. And zone isn't completly gone just really slow.
>> Anon 38519 >># fucking retard this is not one of zones first animations, theres so many before this. lrn2research before talking out ur ass is very slow though. especially for charging on a site
>> Anon 38529 >># I really hope for your sake, that your comment was posted in this Thread by accident. If not, seek help.
>> Anon 38531 Wow all the assholes on here. Come out the woodwork when someone makes a comment they don't like. And meant one of her first good long one's. If you count the interactive one's as good. I feel sorry for you.
>> Anon 38532 >># Her? If you count the interactive one's as good. I feel sorry for you.? Ok bait right here folks!
>> Anon 38533 >># >Her Shigggydiggydoo etc. Boohoo. Go back to your fucking safespace, you cancerous faggot.
>> Anon 38534 This was when Zone ditched the voting in the forums (so many unused ideas ;_;) in favor of shows NO THE FUCKING ONE EVER HEARD OF. He wanted to raise awareness. Probably liked the episode himself. BUT WHERE MAH QUALITY RULE 34 ?! :(
>> Anon 38537 >># Sad and pathetic
>> Anon 38545 >># Someone's definitely off their meds
>> Anon 38551 >># >I meant one of her first good long ones then say that instead of trying to sound sage and coming out stupid
>> Anon 38554 Anyone know how those seeker versions of autoplay flashes are done? I wouldn't mind one for this to skip all the fluff.
>> Anon 38565 >># You could just open the file with a video player that supports SWF files and use the built-in seekbar of that player.
>> Anon 38568 >># never ever
>> Anon 38569 >># ...zones a dude
>> Anon 38571 >># Zone is either a girl,or a gay dude,as they just made a comment recently about themselves giving anal sex.
>> Anon 38573 >># Pics or it didn't happen. I just can't imagine Zone being gay since he's never done any gay porn and him being a girl is just out of the question since it's a meme.
>> Anon 38574 >># No girl would have the skill or dedication to do what he did. Women are volatile and useless, no female would remain 10 years doing flash porn. Wondering if the god of flash would be a female is offensive.
>> Anon 38610 >># you know that the swf embed player on supports seeking as well as the one on .com? Apart from that, the media player classic supports seeking flashes, but there are also firefox addons for the adobe player. >># I don't even think that zone is a single person. More like a bunch of flash animators who post under the zone persona on the hkey website.
>> Anon 38612 >># >># >># he livestreams the animation process and talks to chat, fags.
>> Anon 38644 >># Yes, I know... I've been on here for more than 10 minutes total...
>> Anon 38680 >># You can give anal sex to a girl, you know.
>> Anon 38697 >># Did you get the conclusion of women being useless from your mom giving birth to you?

[NAFC20U]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 24/2 -2013 21:44:41 Ended: 17/4 -2013 05:34:18Flashes: 1 Posts: 22
/ > /fap/ > Thread 1971 Age: 44.46d Health: 0% Posters: 20 Posts: 22 Replies: 21 Files: 1+2
>> extraction 5730 ModiFuckrs - ZONE The Modifuckrs starring Lacey Shadows and Agent Xero [IMG] modifuckrs.swf (15.65 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 10371 frames, 23.97 fps (07:13). Ver19, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video:
>> Anon 5732 Wow, Amazing
>> Anon 5733 It's kind of hard to fap to with all the Baron's voice and camera changing every five seconds. Mysterious anon, if you're seeing this help a brotha out.
>> Anon 5734 Z0NE, you maginficent bastard! I can't believe how fucking hard I am right now. This is deffinitely one of your best.
>> Anon 5736 My god, i have never stopped fapping half way through just to watch the porn..... It's wonderful. The song and porn mixed with flash animation and funny characters make for a winning combination.. If i could get away with it, i would show it to the world. One can only hope that as your popularity grows this piece will be found and celebrated.
>> Anon 5740 Damn, this is awesome!
>> Anon 5741 Really excellent stuff. Where are the secrets?
>> Anon 5743 >># There aren't any, I think
>> 5767 Where does Zone get all that awesome music, I wish s/he gave out their titles etc
>> Anon 5768 At first I was like meh, but then after all the tentacle rape it got kinda hawt. Still quite not as fappable as Zone's older stuff.
>> Anon 5770 i have no idea what cartoon is this. i need to start watching tv
>> Anon 5771 Didn't make it on TV I don't think, but the pilot is here: vimeo dot com slash 9383918
>> Anon 5773 What is the are the song sauces?
>> Anon 5780 Biggest problem for me was the Baron's voice. That incessant laughter made it pretty fucking easy to see why Nickelodeon rejected the show.
>> Anon 5781 That. Was. Amazing!
>> anon 5794 False Advertising -- Which is unfortunate Although I completely agree that ZONE's works are great... He/she said in the trailer for this one, "the choice is yours -- minty fresh, or strawberry sweet" No choice was given. (I wanted both.)
>> Anon 5795 >># I saw the trailer too and although I understand what you mean I actually just thought that meant that he would include both chicks. Of course I wondered if we would have the posibility to pick one of the girls but what I think he meant by "the choice is yours" is that you can choose which girl to fap to, since both are in the thing (though one of them appear much more).
>> Salad 5816 Wow, I think this is the only thing under Rule 34 that has ever gotten me to go seek out the source. Watched the pilot, and it was great. And this, this is just wonderful. In my view, this is the best Zone flash I've yet to see. Hell, best Rule34 thing I've ever seen, bar none.
>> Anon 5861 So the song during the main part. For the life of me, I can't remember what it's called Anyone?
>> V 6022 oooooooooooooooohh it´s going to be ... fabulous!
>> DRUGMONSTER 6077 Can't find the song anywhere!!!!
>> Anon 6105 Not sure if I should be in Awe of the sheer Genius of this Flash... Or be completely creeped out.... Eitherway, I stand dumbfounded.

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Created: 25/2 -2013 00:14:09 Last modified: 10/1 -2023 12:10:03 Server time: 19/03 -2025 07:00:42