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Threads (5):
File: my_little_pony_dota_2_by_yudhaikeledai-d 5ll8qd.swf-(7.83 MB, 1280x800, Other) [_] Anon 3020340 >> [_] Anon 3020388 this is the gayest shit ive ever seen... >> [_] Anon 3020432 gettin the noose ready, I don't wanna live on this world anymore.
File: my_little_pony_dota_2_by_yudhaikeledai-d 5ll8qd.swf-(7.83 MB, 1280x800, Other) [_] Anon 2357255 >> [_] Anon 2357280 kill me >> [_] Anon 2357296 looks like were at a breaking points of science soon we will finally unlock full might of autistic singularity >> [_] Anon 2357303 Dotards and ponyfuckers? How deeper can we go? Throw some Minecraft in there. >> [_] Anon 2357352 >># nah, put sonic in there somehow. sonic mincraft dota ponies! (that could just be the most peacock autism mating call ever) >> [_] Anon 2357355 >># Gotta go fast. >> [_] Anon 2357370 >># http://madagasonicfan475.deviantart.com/ gallery/ Have fun exploring the autism. >> [_] Anon 2357411 >># I didn't know Chris-chan was into ponies.
File: my_little_pony_dota_2_by_yudhaikeledai-d 5ll8qd.swf-(7.83 MB, 1280x800, Other) [_] Anon 2089642
File: my_little_pony_dota_2_by_yudhaikeledai-d 5ll8qd.swf-(7.83 MB, 1280x800, Loop) [_] my rustles are jammed Anon 2002727 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2002729 That hurt me a little >> [_] Anon 2002732 >># counter saged ;) >> [_] Anon 2002741 9/10, very well done. >> [_] Anon 2002747 >># guaranteedreplies.jpg >> [_] Anon 2002749 i fucking hate bronies, but this was actually pretty frickin cool. well done. >> [_] Anon 2002755 If it wasn't for the fact that MLP was made for little girls, and this type of art style was picked up by animators who made more of this stuff, I'd probably find myself watching it more. As it stands, however, MLP is pretty much only good for its animation. The only reason I'd ever consider watching it is because Lauren Faust was a writer for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which was an awesome show with a very similar art style. And yet the pandering and shit storms brought upon the world by this plague of a show have pretty much made that possibility impossible. That, and the fact that it's a show for little girls. >> [_] Anon 2002756 not bad for an amature >> [_] Anon 2002757 >macromedia flash 8 >> [_] Anon 2002765 ponies can't place wards >> [_] Anon 2002768 >># Disney makes movies for "kids" you don't hear people saying "omg there is no way I'll watch a kids movie" grow the fuck up >> [_] Anon 2002777 >># Never said I wouldn't watch a kids show. Foster's Home is by full definition a kid's show. The whole point is saying that MLP is centered towards little girls. Over time it's obviously garnered a much different fanbase, but in the grand scheme of things it will and always shall be meant for younger girls. Also, I never said it was "hurr durr bad." Stop stroking your e-peen and learn to take some criticism. Jesus fuck if we continue to live like pansies because some of us can't take a jab, then we might as well BE little girls ourselves. >> [_] Anon 2002780 >># Nope wrong again it's meant for families and children, not boys or girls, men or women, but both. Believe what you want it doesn't make it anymore the truth. >> [_] Anon 2002784 >># its for little girls. stfu. >> [_] Anon 2002786 http://images.4channel.org/f/src/tl%3Bdr .swf this entire thread >> [_] Anon 2002787 >># Only because You say so though, anon >> [_] Anon 2002789 >># NOW it's advertised as such, though I think we both know the true, intended audience. But tell me, anon, was it originally meant for everyone? Can you honestly tell me with all the meaning in your big phat heart that it was made entirely for everyone to enjoy? I think we both know the answer to that question. >> [_] Anon 2002792 >># Is anything made for anyone though, is there really such thing as one-size-fits all? No there isn't but there really wasn't an intended demographic for the show when it came out, except for viewers of the HUB, which has both male and female viewers. And more so families. I totally accept that not everyone will enjoy it, because after all is meant to be family friendly >> [_] Anon 2002794 >># >># >Is anything made for anyone though Is anything made for everyone though >> [_] Anon 2002795 idk why people hate bronies so much its the same fuking thing as touhou >> [_] Anon 2002797 Fucking brony scum fuck off >> [_] Anon 2002802 >># This one is the answer methinks. >># Absolutely. G I Joe is for boys. Barbie for girls. Transformers and Spiderman for boys. MLP for girls. You cannot pretend like the current world demographic's television tendencies are normal. Go to http://www.hasbro.com/mylittlepony/en_us/ and TELL ME it isn't for little girls. Go on. Do it. Because when you do you'll be lying to yourself again and again. >> [_] Anon 2002809 >21 Replies >A few of them are actual comments rather than autistic flailing at the sight of a pony You grow up a little more each day, /f/, I'm proud of you. >> [_] Anon 2002810 >># So were those barbie movies that came out. I'd watch just about all of 'em again. >> [_] Anon 2002812 >># >># SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE, OP?! YOU'VE SPARKED HATRED AND INTOLERANCE! OH THE HUMANITY! >> [_] Anon 2002814 >># wow you probably think there is a difference between action figures and dolls don't you, there isn't one you mindless sheep >> [_] Anon 2002816 >># Does it even matter, really? That target audience is girls... so what? Are your parents going to disown you if you like it? Are you going to lose all your friends? Who cares what the "intended" audience is, stop conforming to stereotypes, watch it and make up your own mind about it. If you don't like it then, that's fine, but just saying "it's meant for girls so fuck that, I'm out" is retarded. >> [_] Anon 2002818 >># Go for it. Nowhere did I say it was wrong to watch a particular show for any reason whatsoever. I simply began with a statement about the show's controversial-ism and how I wouldn't watch it based on a few criteria. If I were a little girl, I would watch the fuck out of the show. But, seeing as how I wouldn't because I'm not, I still have to compliment it on the decent animation. >> [_] Anon 2002821 >mfw thread full of soiled diapers >http://i.imgur.com/ZIfbVQy.jpg TOP LEL >> [_] Anon 2002824 >># not so. while ponies are out having adventures and learning life lessons and shit, Touhous are busy beating the shit out of each other. >> [_] Anon 2002831 >># the intended audience in most cases defines how watchable the show is, spongebob is a great example of a show enjoyable for all ages because the humor is likable by everybody ponies were an elaborate troll, autistic people thought others were actually watching the show and it snowballed into what it is today >> [_] Anon 2002842 >># I like the (not so) ninja edit. But srsly, when a toy line is made for little children, it's MEANT for little children. None of this "Collector" bullshit. >> [_] Anon 2002853 >># Hundreds of thousands of viewers (more than a million for the season 2 finale) in the US and broadcasts in more than a dozen more countries, to say nothing of the merchandise, seems a little much for an "elaborate troll". I don't find Spongebob even remotely tolerable, if you like it, that's great. But deciding on whether you'll like a show or not without ever seeing it is just stupid. It doesn't cost you anything to turn on your TV or watch it on Youtube. There's no excuse to not give it a try regardless of intended audiences, statistics or whatever pointless studies or numbers you care to throw out. Unless you're so busy that you literally can't spare 20 minutes, just watch it and make up your own mind. Also, that was far too many words to respond to someone who can't even be bothered to use punctuation. I fear I've been had. Oh well, live and learn I guess. >> [_] Anon 2002872 >># That's probably because your brain is built like a child, thus the reason why you watch MLP. >> [_] Anon 2002882 >># Eh, I'd rather be a happy child than a miserable, condescending adult anyway. >> [_] Anon 2002887 >># Because pretending to be a pony is real happiness. Logic. >> [_] Anon 2002888 This discussion has gotten away from the real topic, the animation quality. >># Very well done however the body structure of the ponies makes some of the moves and gestures rather awkward. Perhaps with a little time and tweaking this could be fixed. >> [_] Anon 2002889 Looks pretty fun. Can't wait for the beta to come out. >> [_] Anon 2002890 >># Now easy cowboy, the one thinking like a child might be you, don't you think? Because "adults" or "mature" do not go arround being dick with others just because. If someone likes something then let it be. If it does not affect you then why argue. Life is to short to be angry all the time. >> [_] Anon 2002893 >># Different person, asshole. Are we so angry that we have to lash out against anybody disagreeing with your precious ideals? This is why the people who watch the show make me sick. They tout a veil of understanding and tolerance, yet the moment the shit hits the fan they're the first ones whine. If you'd have been reading at all, you'd have learned by now that I hold nothing against the fanbase for watching the show. What your pathetic brain can't grasp, however, is the fact that I am being cordial and polite, whereas you are spouting slurs and impatience. Maybe I have sat down and watched the show before. Jesus fuck, I know the producers and writers of the show from other similar works. Yet you seem to think I don't hold some appreciation for their constant work? How the fuck do you live with yourself knowing you can't comprehend basic human conversation without crying foul and proceeding to insultation? Now it's my turn to tell you, anon, to grow. The fuck. Up. >> [_] Anon 2002898 >># Dave, go home, you're drunk. >> [_] Anon 2002902 >># But I've only had two beers... >> [_] Anon 2002910 Jimmys are most definitely jammed in this thread. >> [_] Anon 2002914 >># Fanboys of any series become autistic with time, growing less and less near from what they preach, I do find this disgusting and I think you are right in what you say mister, even though your angry tone. I watch the series too, but i watch it like any other series y follow or like. Sorry if the bronys have been a hindrance to you, but they are young souls which know no better. >> [_] Anon 2002920 >># not affecting me... are you shitting me? you're saying MLP culture hasn't gone viral that everyone knows and sees this weird shit? Mind you the animation in this flash was good but nonetheless, inspired by a kid's cartoon. This isn't so much about MLP but more about how it turned into a fucking cult with people fapping to ponies. >> [_] Anon 2002926 >># You call "ponies were an elaborate troll, autistic people thought others were actually watching the show and it snowballed into what it is today" or calling me an asshole being cordial and polite? Really? And what exactly did I write that was a slur or an insult? Looks like I'm not the only one who could use some reading comprehension around here. Sorry for thinking you were another person, it's 2AM and I should have been asleep hours ago. >># Nowhere did I say that. I like the show, just like I like a hundred other shows and movies. No more, no less. I'm not active in the fandom, go to conventions or any of that stuff. >> [_] Anon 2002933 >># it's like this. Imagine a few million people wanting to fuck imaginary ponies. Oh right, that's not imaginary its fucking reality and that's fucking sad a shit. >> [_] Anon 2002939 >># and? why do you care?
File: my_little_pony_dota_2_by_yudhaikeledai-d 5ll8qd.swf-(7.83 MB, Other) [_] I would . . . Anon 1904132 Love and Tolerate the shit out of this Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1904136 fuck fuck fuck fuck no go away holy shit fuck no >> [_] Anon 1904168 Pretty awesome. Everyone loves ponies! >> [_] Anon 1904171 I have to say, I would rather play this version than the actual game. >> [_] Anon 1904188 had to close it when it got to strong, couldn't take any more >> [_] Anon 1904190 This is exactly the cancer that nobody except your own fanbase enjoys. Take a note. >> [_] Anon 1904191 Aw shit nigguh >> [_] Anon 1904194 What is dota? >> [_] Anon 1904213 PURGE THE UNCLEAN >> [_] Anon 1904216 >># Wow, two cancerous fanbases for the price of one! >> [_] Anon 1904217 BURN THE HERETIC!! >> [_] Anon 1904227 le shiggy face >> [_] Anon 1904278 the two worst fandoms on the internet are finally merging dont hate it, support it, then we can hate two at once >> [_] Anon 1904288 go to kill u u pony fag >> [_] shithead 1904314 i want the person who posted this the person who made this and anyone who likes this to go kill yourselves right now >> [_] Anon 1904317 what is dota >> [_] Anon 1904318 >># a bad game with a shitty community |