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Threads (2):
File: Rustle.swf-(543 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 3048154 I save this for some reason. OP if you're still around, know that someone saved your thing. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3048185 made me smile. >> [_] Anon 3048201 >click on the face >press tab >hold enter >> [_] Anon 3048312 >># thank you kind sir, thank you very much. if you see my sides around please mail them back to me
File: Rustle.swf-(543 KB, Other) [_] Rustle Nanie 1905302 The product of boredom and class. Was a pain but it was pretty worth it. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1905308 Not bad OP. Too bad you just did it in class, it would be even better with appropriate music for both sections. >> [_] Nanie 1905323 Thanks. I have essentially zero experience with flash, and this took quite a bit of time to do. Our instructor was out for the day and we had a substitute who couldn't figure out how to make a button work. So it basically was google-fu and me trying to mish mosh what I think may work. Welp, the end result amuses me at least so I am satisfied. >> [_] Anon 1905346 op you have pulled through amazingly, even with minimal flash experience, this has literally made my morning. >> [_] Anon 1905348 gave me a chuckle it did, 4/5 would click again. >> [_] Anon 1905351 restart button and/or automatic loop back to beginning after over-rustling I'm too rustled at the lack of one of both of these options >> [_] Anon 1905353 LOL >> [_] Anon 1905359 >># faggot op taking credit something he didnt even do. >> [_] Nanie 1905372 >># Yeah I intended to add that but the school I am going to is in another city. So I was kind of pressed for time sadly. >> [_] Anon 1905374 press tab and then hold space >> [_] Anon 1905409 >># OH GOD MY SIDES >> [_] Anon 1905434 >># MUH SIDES >> [_] Anon 1905444 >># shut the fuck up you little attention whore >> [_] Anon 1905456 >># Experience: enhanced. That's what I call over-rustle, you should learn OP. >> [_] niggerfaggot !Ulhq.PMzzI 1905496 10/10 would lol again OP you have joined the select few who have ever posted non-shit* flash OC to 4chan *meaning no Xenon plz >> [_] Anon 1905508 >># you see that, anons? that right there is thread contribution, take a note |