File: det.swf-(9.95 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:07 No.2600762
idk what this is so I'm posting it here to find out
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:13 No.2600773
anime is Yuyushiki
Genre of video is AMV, if I'm not mistaken
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:14 No.2600776
Oh I know the anime, I mean I literally don't know what the file is; I don't have anything that
plays flash files except /f/ itself.
Yuyushiki was boring as shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:15 No.2600780
Well I mean I know now, since I posted it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:20 No.2600787
Anime: Yuyushiki
Song: Popcorn - Tap Moi La
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:21 No.2600790
Are you retarded kid?
Any browser opens flash files you nigger
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:22 No.2600792
you have browser, right? just drag the file onto a new tab and it will play you dickfuck bastard
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:22 No.2600794
Renge is better
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:23 No.2600796
now, everybody laugh at two fuckos
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)23:29 No.2600807
>Yuyushiki was boring as shit.
You're just a dumb nigger who doesn't understand art.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/14(Mon)00:00 No.2600837
If you don't have the extension, which I do, but I'm retarded apparently
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/14(Mon)00:02 No.2600839
Oh hey it works.
I'm literally retarded.
Oh well.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/14(Mon)00:02 No.2600840
S'it me or half the fucking anime existing on earth, the artist was too fucking lazy to actually
pretend there was any hope of a nose on any face they drew?
And that half might as well be most if not all shoujo-esque anime/manga?
Also, I haven't even watched this or heard of it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/14(Mon)00:03 No.2600843
it's cuter without it boogers come out of noses fuck that shit
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/14(Mon)00:07 No.2600849
>it's cuter without it
it looks retarded most of the time
And god forbid explaining nosebleeds.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/14(Mon)00:08 No.2600852
this guy's figured it out
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/14(Mon)01:06 No.2600922
Depends what you're watching.
The current trend is like you say, but go back even a decade or so and most have noses.