File: The death of pol .swf-(9.8 MB, 640x272, Other)
[_] relevant Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:00 No.2627202
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:26 No.2627214
/pol/ died because it became /b/ 3.0; the big, loud, shitty board attracting more and more
retarded children by the day
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:26 No.2627216
if no legit flashes of the old are made about this thing /f/ is dead.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:30 No.2627222
-sincerely someone who never went to pol after the raid
All the posts were on topic and related to politics, news was discussed, anything happening
around the world was talked about in detail.
>wahhh nazis people disagree with me hivemind.
One people can have political values that disagree or even disgust you. Two almost every single
board holds strong, elitists sentiments towards one side on whatever is discussed on the board.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:31 No.2627223
meant to say *except after the raid
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:39 No.2627233
I think he must be trolling.
/pol/ was one of the biggest boards on 4chan and teasing it was an easy way of getting a rise out
of people. Calling racist people from /pol/ was an easy way of fucking with people.
Of course there were some though that disagreed with /pol/ and saw the trolls and thought that
they were in company. These people became brainwashed to believe that /pol/ was a racist bad
It's funny to think that 4chan could become anti free speech.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:39 No.2627234
Maybe the first year or so, ever since it has become just another meme generator. Furthermore
they bleed out into the internet worse than /b/ now. At least the idiots there tend to stick to
themselves and never look at another board. /pol/ couldn't keep their shit to themselves and Moot
took the safety rails off. /pol/ has perfect freedom now from censorship, that just happens to
mean that everything is complete shit. /pol/ was and is shit, always has been, and is nothing
more than /b/ with politics and more racism.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:44 No.2627235
>Furthermore they bleed out into the internet worse than /b/ now.
>whaaaaa people disagreed with my political views!!!!!!
>I don't believe "LE FAUX NEWS", I get my opinions of credible sources like MSNBC!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:45 No.2627236
>people can have political values that disagree or even disgust you.
Wow, you're such a revolutionary
I just saw /pol/ as all the shithead baitists who've been on 4chan since they were teenagers
growing up and getting really partisan, because it just gives them another new venue to lick
their teeth and say a bunch of vitriolic shit that they know will piss someone off
But it falls closer within the lines of conventional "politics" now, so it's more legitimate!, so
fuck off nerd ;^), I'm not a troll anymore, I'm an adult!
Political opinion on 4chan has always been motivated by one thing: righteous indignation
Not "conservatism" or "liberalism" or any of that tired shit
/pol/ just picked a side and started yelling, because someone yelled back
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:54 No.2627242
>implying everyone didn't go to /pol/ to discuss topics too controversial for their own board.
>The lack of capthca on /pol/ is great, what isn't is the sabotage of any discussion and the mods
actually promoting shitposting.
>;^), I'm not a troll anymore, I'm an adult!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:57 No.2627244
>/pol/ was a shithole
>/pol/ is still a shithole but now it's got an audio loop
wow such tragedy.
i am deeply saddened.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)20:57 No.2627245
What movie is this from?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:00 No.2627246
>/pol/ is a hivemind
It's not, though.
Sure, it's got "culture", just like every other board. If you never spent anytime there, you
would only see "le happy merchant" and "le nigger" memes.
If you actually bothered to stick around, outside of the cuckhold and Ben Garrison threads, the
place was right up there with /sci/ in terms of actual evidence to support points.
The fact that there were two "le happy merchant" didn't detract from the factual posts. If the
facts don't fit with your ideology, then your ideology is shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:01 No.2627248
Same person here,
The more things change, the more they stay the same
For some of us lurker who've been here since before /pol/ even existed (which is a hilarious
concept since it was already long after terms like "oldfag" stopped holding water), you're just
the latest growth of vicious, amorphous cancer cells to incubate in this environment of
anonymity, grow too big, and then plop off like an irradiated limb
You're nothing new
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:06 No.2627251
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:09 No.2627253
/pol/ performed a very unique role and brought in some very interesting views. I actually think
moot probably should have made a /leftypol/ like 7+1 chan and both could become fairly extreme
with their discussions.
It sounds to me like you are against discussing politics. Also a lot of people if they saw a view
they didn't agree with outside of /pol/ they would attribute it to /pol/.
I remember when /new/ and /r9k/ were first formed and they quite quickly became some of my
favourite and most popular boards. Times change and 4chan changes, stop going on about "hurr durr
cancer". Even if you loathe /pol/ to think that sabotaging a functioning board and make it shit
like moot has done is a good thing is insane.
I think that the right wing is going to be the revolutionary counter culture of the coming 20s
and 30s, fucking up these libertarian sentiments online was a poor move by moot.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:15 No.2627254
How was /pol/ taking down anyone's freedom?
If anything, they were more progessive than anyone who called themselves "progressive".
For example, they posted tons of information on how many transexuals commit suicide, or how the
majority of new STD cases are among LGBT individuals.
"progressives" just plug their ears and go "LALALALA IT MEANS NOTHING WE'RE ALL EQUAL". If
someone legitimately gave a shit about either of these groups, they would seek to understand and
address these epidemics among these communities.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:15 No.2627255
Nevermind, I found it, it's Watchmen
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:19 No.2627258
>It sounds to me like you are against discussing politics.
This. The only people who are in favor of censorship are those whose views are unable to be
defended. It's the same reason why feminist websites delete all contrary opinions under the guise
that "they're just trolling".
>but /pol/ is completely uncensored now! It's your dream come true!
People aren't posting politics, arguments, or opinions currently. They're shitposting porn and
ponies, which have nothing to do with politics, and belong in their respective boards.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:24 No.2627261
>Free speech is only good when people talk about what I want them to talk about!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:26 No.2627263
>niggers, gays, jews, kebabs and all sort of people need to die
>biased charts about LE HABBEDINGS
>it's true I swear, I call it "alternative" news, check it out on totallynotnaziblogger.blogspot
>> [_] Moot is a faggot 12/11/14(Thu)21:27 No.2627264
Moot is a faggot, rise up and destroy everything he loves and cherishes.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:30 No.2627267
>in order to save 4chan we must destroy 4chan, that way we can post on 4chan again
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:31 No.2627268
Then fucking call them out on it.
I'm all for faggots being gay and getting married and shit, and when someone posts something
that's incorrect, post why it's incorrect.
It doesn't matter if the next 50 posts are "le happy merchant".
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:32 No.2627271
Concerted discourse on 4chan is impossible
It always has been
It is an inherently non-persistent environment where the more talked about and popular a topic
is, the more quickly it falls off the page, left only with the memory of it
It is literally the ideal environment for emotional appeals, and you're 3/4ths the way up your
own ass if you have ever considered it to be a 'bastion of rational thinking'
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:34 No.2627272
In this way, I think moot is even more wrong than you do, but not for your boring fucking >waaah,
don't censor me!
reasons, but because "each post stands by it's own merits it presents, divorced from petty forums
reputations!" is bullshit, you can not remove speech from the environment in which it is spoken.
Maybe in your head you can, but not in reality. That's why "the 4chan" is still brought up in
other circles in those ridiculously hushed tones that we're all so eager to scoff at.
I'm not playing the "No-True-Scotsman" card here, I just think you're all a bunch of big fucking
babies blithely unaware of the tub of shit you're happily swimming around in, eager to jump on
anyone who says that you smell
You've gotten used to the stink
>> [_] Moot is a faggot 12/11/14(Thu)21:35 No.2627275
Moot has changed. he's no longer about anonymous image boards, trolling or lulz. He's a cuckolded
social justice warrior, a white knight fighting for corruption and under the table deals. Truth,
and its consumption of facts, has become a thing of the past. Moot has changed.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:38 No.2627277
Why I even would start talking with the nazi scum of 4chan?
Problem is how /pol/ felt the need to declare theirs HABBEDINGS for every other board lately.
The GG drama bullshit being reposted over and over again was the last drop to moot realzze /pol/
was going overboard once again (it happened more than twice, if you are a oldfag), so he shut it
There's people out there who can't shut up about how TOTALLY 100% REAL NOT TOTALLY FAKED charts
about how gawker media profit is a proof about da evil Joos in media, and once again, they are
flooding every single foprum/board with those SP00KY news
tl;dr /pol/ is obnoxious as fuck, so moot decided to have a laugh
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:40 No.2627278
>trolling or lulz
how old are you?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:40 No.2627280
>Why I even would start talking with someone who disagrees with me?
See the part where only people with indefensible opinions are in favor of censorship.
If you never talk to people who disagree with you, how are you able to test your stances?
>spoiler alert: you can't, and that makes you a gigantic tool
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:42 No.2627282
4chan has been happily saving and destroying itself since before any of us even knew it existed
Again, like I said, none of this is new
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:42 No.2627283
>yfw /pol/ is not dead, but recovering
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:43 No.2627284
>I'm atheist, debate me!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:44 No.2627285
>The GG drama bullshit being reposted over and over again
If you had actually paid attention to the threads, you would see that there is a literal
conspiracy, backed up by legitimate email logs you can find with a minor amount of searching,
that shows that there is an actual conspiracy among "gaming journalists" to push a certain
narrative, that is in direct conflict to the actual facts of the issue.
>gaming journalism is for babies!
Yes, it is. It's also baby's first redpill on how corrupt our media is. With a minimal amount of
thought, people can apply this concept to everything else they see on every other form of news
and journalism, and see just how massive a problem it is.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:47 No.2627289
>that shows that there is an actual conspiracy among "gaming journalists" to push a certain
narrative, that is in direct conflict to the actual facts of the issue.
What issue?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:48 No.2627291
I will take the easy bait
How I discuss with someone who can't help but use ad hominem and other fallacies every time I try
to convey a argument?
>I think that on Africa..
>too bad you are a nigger
>But I guess
>nice try goldstein
>But Israel...
>Well, the gays
Stormfags are the most closed mind people on 4chan, everything that goes against their beliefs is
a scapegoat, a unsourced chart or ad hominem about race
Fuck this, I will discuss more about cartoons. Thank you very much
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:49 No.2627294
That he doesn't like "Liberals"
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:49 No.2627295
Just wondering... are you enjoying this style of debate and discussion about an issue? Because
that is what /pol/ regularly did.
Also Gamergate threads came from /v/ and were spammed to /pol/. They were censored off /v/ and
/pol/ was seen as the appropriate place to discuss them fulfilling its purpose.
Without /pol/ the gamergate spam would have been far worse and it brings up fairly legitimate
points in any case.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:50 No.2627297
>there is a literal conspiracy
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:53 No.2627298
>Also Gamergate threads came from /v/ and were spammed to /pol/. They were censored off /v/ and
/pol/ was seen as the appropriate place to discuss them fulfilling its purpose.
This is actually /pol/ believes
(or pretend to believe whoever is convenient )
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:57 No.2627302
I thought /pol/ was titled "Politically Incorrect," not "Politics"
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)21:59 No.2627304
The more things change
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:01 No.2627305
Take a look at what you wrote and think about it a bit... Don't you think that style of posting
is exactly what you are trying to condemn?
You pariah your perceived /pol/ user and then you try make light of highly shitty arguments while
doing the same thing. I prefer someone who thinks of themselves as the underdog rather than
someone as righteous as yourself in this situation. Having any collective political agenda
pressuring an entire medium is concerning no matter what it is, I'd be concerned too if nazis
were controlling the video game industry, and it looks like the new age fascists are ;).
They did come from /v/ though. They only flooded to /pol/ after they were banned from /v/, it
wasn't of particularly interest on /pol/ at all till /v/irgins started complaining about
censorship and having nowhere else to discuss it.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:03 No.2627308
Technically, there are multiple.
The least of importance, that someone was able to sex up a bunch of journalists to get her "game"
far better reviews than it deserved, even making it on STEAM, where it got torn to shreds by
actual gamers.
Of second-most importance, the utter vitrol that gamers have received from "gaming journalists"
about being the worst people on the planet, from the people who claim to "represent them", doing
nothing but misrepresenting them.
The third, and most important, is how it was discovered that practically all the mainstream
"gaming journalists" and media essentially worked together to only push one version of the truth,
which turned out to be the opposite of the truth. This was most obvious during the whole
"gamergate" thing, but also has tie ins to receiving special benefits (usually sex aside) from
giving games better ratings then they deserve.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:04 No.2627309
>it wasn't of particularly interest on /pol/ at all till /v/irgins started complaining about
censorship and having nowhere else to discuss it.
NOW who's clinging to old ideas about board dichotomies?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:07 No.2627312
Personally, I'm not really a gamer, but I can empathize. I'm a /sci/tard. I'm hoping you read
science journals, or at least shit like "Science Daily" from time to time.
Now imagine "Nature" posted some article that was completely full of flaws, that you could see
from even a cursory glance. Then, it was discovered that it only got published because the person
slept with the people responsible for peer reviewing the article. Then, some people post/try to
publish refutations of the study, and "Science Daily" and whatever the Gawker version of it is
responds by saying that everyone who points out the flaws in the study is a sexist bigot, and
scientists have not business talking about science.
That's essentially what Gamer Gate is, except with games, instead of anything that actually
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:08 No.2627313
I think people forget that alot of boards were created as 'containment' boards and to siphon off
from the catch-all that /b/ is
even you newfags must be able to remember /soc/ and /mlp/ being created
hell even /v/ got bloated enough that /vg/ and /vp/ were made
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:10 No.2627316
Can you tell me what you mean by board dichotomies please?
Did you mean sterotypes or something? I am a bit confused by what you are trying to say here. I
didn't mean to stereotype /v/ here though, I'm just saying that those threads definitely came
from /v/ to /pol/ afaik.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:12 No.2627317
Hurray I got replies to my thread
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:16 No.2627323
If you're not a real gamer, then how do you know what "actual gamers" are like, or how they want
to be represented?
I didn't like Gawker since before the term 'GamerGate' even existed, but not even I think they
deserve the overreactionary hatred from the petulant shitnoses that frequent shekelshoa threads.
They're also fooling themselves if they think Gawker represents the majority, or even a large
portion of, the games media.
They sure are Liberal though, and boy does /pol/ hate Liberals.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:23 No.2627332
>I disagree with opinions held by people who frequent /pol/
so just shut 'em down right?
If only we could do the same with cnn, bbc and those fake, comedy news shows liberals take their
genuine news information from
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:25 No.2627335
>/pol/ is one person.
I'm a leftist and I like /pol/. Go fuck yourself. Stop associating liberals with the SJW movement
and those fascists at Gawker.
Even with all the shit going on at /pol there are still some surviving threads though much lower
in quality. For example
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:25 No.2627336
Again, this all rolls around to being disappointingly partisan
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:35 No.2627339
Who cares it's just a free board for political discussion
If you don't like what people say there lend your own voice.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:45 No.2627343
I think you may have misread what I was saying or perhaps misquoted... I am in support of /pol/
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:57 No.2627352
I'm in support of /pol/ drowning in its own shit
I'm done being substantial, lets play Last-Word Wars
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)22:59 No.2627357
nah if anything is just as obnoxious as /b/ its /v/
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)23:00 No.2627358
You are a nazi.
Just because you don't like a group of people doesn't mean you should silence them and
discriminate against them.
Take your boardist attitude elsewhere.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)23:11 No.2627368
Nazi is an adequately un-substantial word, especially in this day and age, so good on you
Teeth-licking, donkey-nuts misanthrope
get troll'd
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)23:21 No.2627375
People don't come to 4chan to get pissed off at each other
They come here to get pissed off at the idea of each other
>> [_] Anonymous 12/11/14(Thu)23:29 No.2627386
i had a big thing typed up but then i realized 90 percent of you are trogs
just gonna say this, not that i need to at this point: /pol/ is always right
enjoy that moot cock up your asses, enjoy being brought to heel by the toadies of a bunch of
twats who are so desperate for any kind of female attention that there's no low they wont stoop
to for it
oh but thats okay, just make another stupid offhand remark and pretend you're above it all you
fucking hipsters, fucking wanna-be know it all scumsucking cunts, a few years back this kind of
shit would never stand, you motherfuckers deserve to stew in your pit of apathy and i hope you
fucking drown in it