File: Garden of Your Mind.swf-(6.47 MB, 328x240, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)02:36 No.2577635
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)04:37 No.2577696
I love this so much. Like, it feels all inspiring and shit. I loved Mr. Roger's Neighborhood back
in the day.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)04:46 No.2577704
inb4 some old ass lady writes a new york times bestselling scandal book about how he sodomized
her when she was 8 years old and the internet explodes
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)07:10 No.2577772
I'm pretty sure Mr. Rogers is in the clear, I've never heard anything about him, and he's too
damn old for that anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)08:12 No.2577789
fucking shit i love /f/. this was good.
and that whistle part was fucking magic.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)09:14 No.2577809
I was expecting Potato Kinishes. I was wrong
>> [_] Anonymous 10/27/14(Mon)12:04 No.2577880
if you hear this thinking of stuff like killing and school shooting.
this becomes really edgy.