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This is resource K608AWW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/11 -2014 18:17:14

Ended:19/11 -2014 22:28:35

Checked:19/11 -2014 22:52:29

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 95.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Serious_Business.swf-(3.07 MB, 940x720, Loop)
[_] 4chan Cup /f/ Roster Discussion Old Man Sou !!IYmoTiYa3ke 11/19/14(Wed)12:13 No.2603515

  Let's keep this shit going!

  As usual all the info regarding the team is in this pastebin:

  *Unofficially some fun shit is going to start up that I happen to be hosting check this pastebin
  for more details if this interests you:

  *In that unofficial tournament for the second pastebin /f/ is set to face off against /po/.
  Please be sure to vote once in every poll as polls will close tomorrow at 23:59 UTC. this does
  NOT affect the potential roster as of yet that comes later but we'll burn that bridge when we get
  to it in December.

  It's before work, so when I get back I'll try to post the revised list of Anthems and Goalhorns
  in order of Demand.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] T 11/19/14(Wed)12:22 No.2603519

  Takeo Ishi
  Yee Dinosaurs

  Just to name a few, we have more mascots/meme character models than most boards.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:29 No.2603525

  Ratboy Genius is on /3/

  Also from the last thread, the Anthem/Goalhorn discussion

  Mermaid Story♂
  403 Forbiddena - Southern Cross
  Madeon - Finale
  Noisia - Groundhog

  I Wish (loop chorus)
  Madeon - Finale

  Personally I'm in favor of Southern Cross and I Wish

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:32 No.2603527

  Let me help a little on that as well

  Mermaid Story♂ should be explanatory what that is
  Southern Cross is 4chan City's music
  Madeon is 0x40
  Groundhog is daily dose
  I Wish is lolicatgirls

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:37 No.2603532

  40 hues is probably our most memorable song, I wish too.

  I don't like the Mermaid Story one, but I understand if others do. Can someone post 4chan city?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:38 No.2603534

  You're legit really new aren't you?
  Well no harm, everyone begins somewhere
  4chan city is actually on the official 4chan flash archive, you can access it from the FAQ

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:43 No.2603538

  Nah, I'm not some half decade vet but I've visited /f/ maybe twice a day for a bit over a year
  and a half. That explains it if it's on the archive, though, I haven't looked at that in a long
  time since that stuff isn't really updated.

  I'd idly vote against it, since it's not really relevant, just a semi-generic Japanese song from
  a ~2009 flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:47 No.2603541

  Those are the fucking worst. I'm also pretty sure it is legitimately from Reddit .

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:49 No.2603543

  Well you're right, it's not really posted anymore, however it's an iconic piece of /f/'s history
  as well as having an amazing build up. I assume you follow the cup since you weighed in, so let
  me give you numbers.
  The Anthem plays for 40-45 seconds at the start of every game, getting the full version if the
  team wins, assuming the riggers remember.
  The goalhorn plays for a random amount of time,the length can end up over a minute depending on
  the replay and how the riggers feel
  As such, it makes sense for the Anthem to build up relatively quickly and get people hype for the
  game, while the goalhorn should be already at it's climax since the goal should already be the
  lead up.

  Just things to think about when voting

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:56 No.2603547

  Yeah, I get you. It could be fine, though I'd rather we kept slots open for more recent /f/
  That said, I Wish and 40hues would probably both be great for an anthem, since they build up
  before getting crazy.
  Maybe some John Cena sirens and screaming for a goal? Just my two cents.


>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)12:57 No.2603548

  Holy shit

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:04 No.2603552

  No yee pls.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:05 No.2603553

  I'd love to see Madeon - Finale as anthem, as it's recent and in everyones head.
  I Wish could work as goalhorn just fine, since it's on daily occurance on /f/ making it fitting.

  While I understand the idea to put things like Southern Cross as Anthem or Goalhorn, i'd rather
  use things that are recent and from /f/ it's current state of "culture". I'm sure that way many
  more will feel familiar with it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:06 No.2603555

  John Cena is on /asp/
  I Wish was heavily discussed as an Anthem as well, however I think it was mostly (obviously not
  completely) agreed it would work better as a goalhorn due to how hype the chorus is, and as
  someone mentioned the chat can go nuts with THE GAME as it's about to be played, similar to DROP
  IT from /wg/

  Just my thoughts on the matter, but Madeon - Finale sounds better as an Anthem than as a
  goalhorn, it's just kind of a slow steady beat without the same hook as other slow songs
  Look at /s/'s alt goal horn Stacy's Mom for instance, I doubt many people would say they dislike
  it as a song, however as a goalhorn it's almost anti hype because of how long it takes to get
  started, and even then it doesn't hit the same level as things such as /b/'s cancan sandstorm or
  /y/'s Van Darkholme loves Sexting

  Good slow goalhorns are harder to do, /s/ has Bootyman and /sp/ has Wavin' Flag.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:11 No.2603560

  Definitely I Wish for goalhorn

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:14 No.2603564

  What about Superhappypuppywhirl as a goalhorn?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:15 No.2603565

  I'd still vote for I Wish over that but it could work

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:17 No.2603567

  Can we bring back the guys who talk about sucking each other's dicks

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:19 No.2603571

  I would vote for madeon

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:20 No.2603573

  "Oh shit, I'm sorry."
  "Sorry for what?"

  As Anthem or Goalhorn?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:23 No.2603578

  Something I just noticed, last night's crowd got really hype about Southern Cross while right now
  /f/ is pretty set on Finale
  I know it should be obvious but /f/ isn't most people's "home board" and as such, depending on
  the day (2hu tuesday, thursgay, etc) we'll have radically different opinions.
  We really just need to finalize some suggestions and start the voting on it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:24 No.2603579

  Goalhorn I wish.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:24 No.2603581

  So based on the swf posted, you want Pushing Gaywards added to the suggestion roster?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:24 No.2603582

  1000 VOTES YES FOR "Mmmmmm..." GOALHORN

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:26 No.2603583


  I feel like that and the more recent "EDDY!" should be added, Gaywards has been here for a while.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:26 No.2603584

  omg yes

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:27 No.2603585

  EDDY as goalhorn would be pretty good actually.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:28 No.2603586

  When you say EDDY! I assume you mean Weekend Inside Joke, which is already on the suggestion
  It would be kind of weak as a main gold horn, and only medal players get alt goal horns

  For the record, let me say our current music

  Anthem: Rythym Heaven's 10r
  Goalhorn: IOSYS - F.O.E.
  Alt Goalhorn: Where Da Hood At for when DA HOOD

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:29 No.2603587


>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:30 No.2603589

  Well I'd pick:
  Anthem - Madeon or Mermaid Story♂ (I think the latter is funnier)
  Goalhorn - Either of the 2 listed are fine with me

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:30 No.2603590

  I'm not that big on FOE.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:31 No.2603591

  He's already a sub, he's literally on the team

  I'm just going to ask, how many people here actually pay attention to the cup, and how often are
  you on /f/?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:31 No.2603592


>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:32 No.2603593

  That's why we're voting on a new one, people aren't wild about the current set up.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:32 No.2603594

  Homeboard, yo.
  I've never watched the cup before, though. Still want I Wish and Madeon.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:33 No.2603595

  What about that remix of Saturday Night?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:34 No.2603596

  I don't care enough about the weekend inside joke but I feel like it belonged so yeah if eddy is
  that then yeah.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:39 No.2603599


>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:39 No.2603600

  I missed one,
  Second Alt Goalhorn: German_Soldier_Infiltrates_Enemy_Base.swf when Takeo scores

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:43 No.2603604

  i concur
  unless someone can throw some better ideas out there..

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)13:56 No.2603607

  Is the roster finished yet?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:01 No.2603611

  What do you mean?
  There has been a roster for a few years now, but voting on the lineup for the winter cup is
  ongoing to december

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:03 No.2603613

  A failure to include Takeo or Ratboy whilst also including those forced ♂ videos will affirm that
  /f/ has fallen into a pit of failure from whence it shall not return.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:06 No.2603614

  You affirm /f/ has fallen into a pit of failure
  Ratboy is signed by /3/, we can't have him, literally the third post here
  Takeo is a gold medal, one of the star players on the team already

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:07 No.2603615

  Distorted, clipping & pixellated Iron Man
  John Cena & his theme music
  DMX, sanic and all the other screamers
  H (the letter H instead of a head)
  Takeo Ischii
  The Khattab
  Ratboy Genius
  yee lmao
  the elvis lookalikes from lolicatgirls.swf
  Cuban Pete
  Andrew Howard Brannan (policeman vs veteran)
  Michigan J Frog
  weekend inside joke
  those turtles
  and hopefully not ~pppu

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:09 No.2603616

  Southern Cross and lolicatgirls are by far the most iconic.

  It's from Reddit.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:09 No.2603617

  If ratboy is gone, it is already finished.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:10 No.2603618

  This is bait

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:11 No.2603619

  confirmed for forced ♂
  abandon thread

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:11 No.2603620

  I agree with this.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:15 No.2603622

  I'd say the opposite. I wish is a perfect anthem, finale is a perfect goalhorn


  However I'll be extremely saddened over the fact we wouldn't include southern cross

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:17 No.2603623

  Yesterday had a good discussion on I Wish as an anthem, we can get it in starting at the verse
  and leading into the chorus, but we only end up with about 8 seconds of the chorus at best, and 3
  seconds at worst.
  I'd still argue Finale is too slow for a goalhorn.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:19 No.2603625

  Remember that I wish is 7 minutes long and has several build ups. We have plenty to choose from

  >too slow

  It has an massively explosive start. It's perfect as a goalhorn because of taht.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:23 No.2603628

  I wish is about 8 minutes long, however the chorus everyone thinks about starts at 3:17 while the
  verse starts about 2:52, and people advising we start at 2:45 where the beat starts welling up.
  It's an assumption but a safe one that we'd want the chorus as much as possible after all

  Finale has one explosion when it first starts, especially if we're talking about it as a
  goalhorn, and then it's a fairly slow song. You may want to check out other teams goalhorns for

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:24 No.2603631

  where my name 10 things @

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:27 No.2603633

  in for suggesting sanic as main goalhorn

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:29 No.2603636

  Sanic is on /v/
  name10things should probably be a suggestion to vote on, at least for the unofficial tournament
  he's on the roster

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:34 No.2603638

  Damn, that earsplitting squeal would be fun.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:38 No.2603644

  10things is a great suggestion.

  Is there no way to include 0x40Hues?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:40 No.2603646

  Hues is already on the suggestion roster

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:45 No.2603652

  picks for
  Madeon - Finale
  I Wish (loop chorus from lolicatgirls)
  Weekend inside joke
  Takeo Ishi
  Slamming Finger - Quad City DJs vs G Gundam
  Madeon - Pop Culture
  The Left Rights - WHITE (Chorus)
  Eminem - "Mom's Spaghetti"
  MTC- S3RL feat Jodie
  Село і люди - It's my life

  Madeon - Finale
  Rules of Nature Kazoo (

>> [_] !T6/TripFag 11/19/14(Wed)14:50 No.2603655

  So I seem to remember hearing on the stream that Sou might become the next commissioner. If that
  works out, cool.

  Anthem: Southern Cross
  Goal horn: Madeon - Finale

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:51 No.2603656

  Hey hey heeeeey. 4chan cup is gonna happen?
  Where can i watch it?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:52 No.2603657

  /f/ will be in the winter cup, official date TBA, it'll be on twitch at /the4chancup

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:52 No.2603658

  i second all of these
  + billy herrington
  charles barkley
  + Nujabes
  do we have a spaghetti texture on a player model? also watamote

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:53 No.2603659

  Oh that's sweet. Who will be participating?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:53 No.2603660


>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:55 No.2603663

  Aww. I was hoping to see /pol/ in there.
  I guess i'll cheer for /x/ then.

>> [_] !T6/TripFag 11/19/14(Wed)14:56 No.2603665

  Read the OP. The first pastebin link has all the relevant info, and a link to the 4chan cup wiki.

  The wiki is at . There's a link to the page with all the teams
  participating on the front page.

>> [_] !T6/TripFag 11/19/14(Wed)14:58 No.2603668

  ... Or I can get ninja'd. That's fine, too.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)14:59 No.2603670

  It's ok.
  I still love you

>> [_] !T6/TripFag 11/19/14(Wed)15:03 No.2603672

  I love you too, you flaming faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:03 No.2603673

  What about Hole Sum Phun

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:06 No.2603677

  is Patrick Bateman and Shrek still on s4s?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:06 No.2603678


>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:11 No.2603683

  gardevoir paizuri

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:15 No.2603686

  What about Linda Linda (from Cake for moot.swf) as a goalhorn?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:22 No.2603690

  Already on the roster

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:25 No.2603691

  just posting to say the 4chan cup is fucking autistic and it gets packed with more and more
  reddit shit every year

  people who want southern cross as a song were clearly not on 4chan when that flash was released,
  most people hated the music and lambasted it for being jappy emo bullshit. now, it's just newfags
  pretending to be oldfags who saw those flashes in the archive and think they're hip to be square
  by pretending how cool they are.

  Fuck each and every single one of you. I'm gonna smoke a blunt.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:27 No.2603692


>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:28 No.2603693

  i've been here since 2003, why the fuck would i ever visit 4chan's reddit board? take your autism
  meds and stop perpetuating this embarrassing 4chan cup shit that just brings more normalfags here
  every single time it gets run.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:30 No.2603695

  Well my first thought was *tips fedora* but ironic shitposting is still shitposting, so I just
  redirected you to where your posting looks normal

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:31 No.2603696

  >i've been here since 2003
  >acts like a babby newfag
  sure thing, bud

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:39 No.2603703

  did you even check poster id? not the same guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:39 No.2603704

  there's a 4chan reddit board? why?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:40 No.2603705

  I don't know, I thought it would be gone within a week but it's still there. I can only imagine
  it exists for containment, like /b/.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:43 No.2603709

  [s4s] is based on a subreddit called shitredditsays

  it was originally an april fools joke but it stayed after it became apparent that it was
  succeeding as a containment board for a lot of shitposting and get shit

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:43 No.2603710

  [s4s] is a mix between a parody of Reddit and actual 2006 /b/

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:45 No.2603711

  because moot abandoned us long ago, he got cucked by the daughter of the owner of gawker media,
  and became a SJW. instead of doing something like getting the IP and CID of every single poster
  on r/4chan, and then permabanning all of those from actual 4chan, he just lets the cancer
  continue to spill over and ruin this site, the exact thing that happened with 2chan after Densha
  Otoko was made into a movie.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:46 No.2603713

  >anything near 2004-2006 original era /b/

  i've never once seen a fucking DRACULA PENIS, a cockmongler, longcat, happy negro, FGSFDS,
  DSFARGEG, or any of that shit over there.

  what I do see is reddit tier nonsense like "SMASHKEK AND THE LELS" "TOP KEK" "LE __________"

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:50 No.2603719

  It's not the exact same memes of Old /b/, it's the culture of Old /b/. Createing shitty memes
  ever 2 days and constant Get threads.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:51 No.2603724

  fair enough, the problem is the memes are created by redditors. most oldfags have moved on from
  the site, 95% of 4chan doesn't even know of any memes before 2010 anymore unless they look them
  up on know your meme.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:54 No.2603726


  Go back to your containment board and stop pretending know shit, weeb. You are clearly not an

  It's the same attitude. Exactly the same, I'd even dare say it goes even before 2005, givent aht
  people make 100 remixes of a single image just out of sheer boredom.

  There's not, how fucking ignorant can you be?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)15:55 No.2603729

  What do you expect of a site that does not record it's posts?

  that's the beauty of ephemerality.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/14(Wed)16:18 No.2603754

  buh, reddit gets credit for memes that were invented here all the fucking time. the difference
  is, as >>2603729 said, we don't keep records and we don't have people going around bragging
  posting links to their lel 120k upvote posts.
Created: 19/11 -2014 18:17:14 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:20:43 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:08:14