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This is resource KQ064PS, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/12 -2014 17:26:54

Ended:8/12 -2014 21:24:26

Checked:8/12 -2014 21:33:10

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 75.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Woman-tortures-toddleravi.swf-(4.14 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:23 No.2624027

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:29 No.2624031


>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:30 No.2624032

  10/10 fapped till I came and started farting

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:30 No.2624033

  Torture? That's called discipline, son.
  Kids these days are fucking spoiled.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:30 No.2624034

  niggers gonna nig

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:33 No.2624037

  have you watched the whole thing before typing that

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:34 No.2624038

  if you stop watching after the first few hits yeah

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:37 No.2624039

  Come here often?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:38 No.2624042


>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:39 No.2624043

  why is that even filmed?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:40 No.2624045

  >acting like a retard now

  Stepping on someone isn't discipline.
  Stepping on a CHILD is definitely not discipline.

  And I agree with physical discipline being allowed.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:44 No.2624047

  i think someone hired a nigger to babysit

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:45 No.2624048

  This is fucked up.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:48 No.2624050

  fucking niggs

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)11:51 No.2624054


>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:00 No.2624061

  please no

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:01 No.2624064

  But studies show that physical discipline doesn't actually encourage change. AKA you are just
  beating kids to make yourself feel better.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:01 No.2624065

  dindu detected

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:01 No.2624066

  nigger detected

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:08 No.2624074

  So what happened to the woman?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:11 No.2624077

  I hope someone raped that women and tortured her the same way.

>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:13 No.2624079

  please tell me she's in jail or some shit.
  that's fucked.
  >discipline a kid for puking
  >implying this is even discipline
  fucked up.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:15 No.2624080

  read desc

>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:16 No.2624081


>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:17 No.2624084

  >Babysitter Beating Video: Father ‘Clobbers Babysitter To A Pulp’ After Watching Video Of Toddler
  Attack, Sitter Charged With Attempted Murder

  yeah, honestly i think if it was my kid the person that could pull my fist from her face would be
  crowned the future kink of england.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:18 No.2624087

  [citation needed]

  it's easy to talk about "studies" without providing any sources. meanwhile, my cousins got
  physical discipline every time they acted like little shits and not only did they turn out fine,
  they are both top students in high-tier colleges. and it's a brother and sister so it's not like
  girls can't take it.

  the thing is this video doesn't show corrective action, it shows brutality and cowardice. it's
  easy force a toddler to eat and kick it/step on it for barfing, but i wanna see her do that to an

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:20 No.2624088


>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:25 No.2624090

  >Still "trolling"


>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:27 No.2624091

  from personal experience, physical punishment is an effective tool, but when overused can cause
  severe problems.

  my parents stopped smacking (what brits call spanking) when i was about 7-8, and kept getting in
  fights with other kids, and my brother. i said "if violence isn't the answer to problems then why
  do you smack us?"
  a fucking 7 year old broke that shit on them.

  when used for life or death/serious injury possible situations, IE a kid who runs into the road,
  or picks up a knife, or wants to touch a hot stove, yes.

>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:28 No.2624092

  it is a "never do that ever again" tool. A "i'm going to hurt you a little to really inlay this
  in your head, this is dangerous, this can hurt you"
  when you use it as a punishment for everything and anything it losses it's effectiveness. you
  foster angry kids, who resent you. who think that lashing out is an effective way to deal with

  i see it's usefulness as a tool. i think i would use it with my children in situations like i
  i think time outs and talking has been proven to be an effective method of child care for day to
  day issues.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:29 No.2624093


>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:30 No.2624095


  >the person that could pull my fist from her face would be crowned the future kink of england
  >pull my fist from her face
  >kink of england
  >fisting is a kink
  >oral fisting possibly also a kink

  So that person would become "oral fisting of england" then?

>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:32 No.2624096


  so fucking glad i left england.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:37 No.2624102

  so you moved into a more retarded country
  how convenient

>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:44 No.2624107

  atleast i can have guns and a V8.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:44 No.2624108


  as i said, they got hit when they behaved like little shits, so they knew pretty well why they
  were getting hit. and that is a big point that i don't think many parents get. the child is
  supposed to know why it's getting spanked and understand that it was her own actions and behavior
  that caused it.

  which is also why it should be used as a last resort or in extreme situations. besides, if you
  use it too much the child becomes used and then it becomes useless, because the child will just
  try to find ways to avoid it while still misbehaving.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:46 No.2624110

  do you also get a burger in shape of a granade?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:47 No.2624111

  nice try schlomo

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:52 No.2624118

  Why not just kill the fucking thing Jesus

  Like instead of abusing it and beating the shit out of it, just go ahead and end it's miserable
  existence while its still a child, clueless of the world around it.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)12:55 No.2624121

  Fucking americans

>> [_] silly face poster 12/08/14(Mon)12:56 No.2624124

  good post mate

>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)12:57 No.2624125

  no, but i did go to the heart attack grill.
  holy fuck, it's like the church of freedom.

  have fun in jail if you use one in self defense.
  also have fun with all the paperwork, and then getting told no.
  also, what the fuck is this "manual action above .223" bullshit? you have to fucking manually
  load every round? that's retarded as fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:04 No.2624127

  >T-They're not banned!
  >T-They're only heavily restricted and pilled under paperwork and very specific criteria!

  Not to say the United State has it's fair share of bullshit firearm laws, but the UK and majority
  of the rest of the world has way worse gun laws.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:10 No.2624131


  >Implying that America is a free country

  Haha, yeah, enjoy your police shooting you when your unarmed and getting away scott free.

  Enjoy your government increasingly making laws to take away your guns.

  Enjoy your media silencing your right to free speech (fox news)

  Enjoy your corrupt court system that profits from putting as many people as they can in prison
  (America has highest incarceration rate in the world).

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:11 No.2624134

  You sound very young.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:17 No.2624137


  Hell no, I'm old, cranky, and had enough of governments shoving their cocks up all our asses
  while we just lie there and take it.

  I'm still waiting on that revolution.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:18 No.2624138

  Don't listen to >>2624134 hes a fucking idiot

  I will actually argue your points

  >Haha, yeah, enjoy your police shooting you when your unarmed and getting away scott free.

  With a well armed society comes with a well armed police force it's only natural. Now with the
  whole "scott free" thing, that's not entirely true. Yeah there are a couple cases of police
  officers only getting slaps on the wrist, but there are definitely plenty of cases where officers
  have been legally prosecuted for unlawful shootings and use of power

  >Enjoy your government increasingly making laws to take away your guns.

  Contrary to belief it's not the government. It's the ever growing ignorance in this country
  pertaining to firearms. There isn't some government conspiracy to take firearms away, it's a
  populace that is irrationally afraid of firearms because of irresponsible news outlets.

>> [_] Britfag Americano 12/08/14(Mon)13:18 No.2624139

  yeah, but i'll also enjoy
  >not getting raped for insurance
  >cheap gas
  >aforementioned guns
  >porn without asking politlely
  >porn without people asking politely in it
  >sun shine
  >polite people
  plus, i'm white, so like, half your list doesn't count.

  that said, GB2/pol/

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:19 No.2624141


  >Enjoy your media silencing your right to free speech (fox news)

  It isn't silencing, it's just kind of overpowering. We still reserve our freedom of speech, it's
  just that not all of us have a national news station to broadcast our political views on.

  >Enjoy your corrupt court system that profits from putting as many people as they can in prison
  (America has highest incarceration rate in the world).

  I don't see how we profit at all from incarcerating people, infact it's quite the opposite. Also
  we probably have the highest incarceration rate due to the fact we have a very large population.
  More people = More inmates

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:19 No.2624142

  Behold, neo feminism at its peak.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:22 No.2624144


>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:23 No.2624145

  Great counter argument I guess

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:26 No.2624147

  i'm not the fag you were discussing with, you liberal-jewish-cocksucker

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:27 No.2624149

  I don't know how you could extrapolate that im a liberal, jewish, or a cocksucker from anything I
  just said because I am not any of those.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:28 No.2624150


  I am well aware that >>2624137 is an idiot but hey, he's an anon, who gives a fuck what he thinks.

  The police are brainwashed into believing that the civilian population is the enemy and that we
  must be subdued with ever increasing militarization and borderline martial law ever looming over
  our heads.

  And yes, there is a conspiracy to take away our guns so that the government and people who back
  it (Illuminati type groups) can do whatever they want and we can't fight back because they have
  all the guns and the people don't.

  If you were an evil government with secrets to hide, you would do the same thing yourself to
  subdue the citizens. North Korea is an excellent example of government based evil.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:29 No.2624151

  >highest incarceration rate

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:35 No.2624159

  Shits fucked up fuck niggers

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:42 No.2624164

  Oh great, 50 comments. Can't wait for the newest guaranteedreplies.swf- electric 'look mom I
  posted it again' for the next month.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:48 No.2624172

  >hating discussion
  well ain't you an antisocial prick

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:53 No.2624180

  >implying this is a discussion
  or if you take shitposting as discussion then I take it back

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)13:55 No.2624183

  it is
  there just so happens to be a lot of people calling out retards too

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)14:05 No.2624192

  Uganda is a shit country, where most of the people are shitty. I am not surprised

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)14:24 No.2624212

  Not American myself, but you're fucking retarded.
  This is Uganda.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)14:58 No.2624238

  The story with this one is that a wealthy Ugandan dude needed a babysitter. After a point he
  suspected his daughter was being hurt so he installed a camera without them knowing and found
  this. Apparently he beat the woman so fucking hard that she's breathing through a tube and the
  government is now charging her with some serious shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:05 No.2624242

  How in hell can someone torture her own child?!
  This is sick.

>> [_] Rich Kyanka !78DfjYvIow 12/08/14(Mon)15:07 No.2624244


  Studies show that most people will believe you if you preface your sentences with "studies show"

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:07 No.2624245

  >her own child
  at least read a little before posting

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:09 No.2624247


  nigs gunna nig

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:14 No.2624251

  Force feeding your kid (if its even hers)
  throwing your kid for puking BECAUSE you force feed her
  then further assaulting and beating your child?

  >checked the posts for a witchhunt :D

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:18 No.2624253


>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:19 No.2624254

  this human has to die

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:19 No.2624255

  stoned to death by the zooni tribe

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:20 No.2624259

  thank god

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:21 No.2624260

  This. History is a fucking lesson on discipline.

  Every country that has banned physical discipline has went to shit in less than a couple decades.
  With respect to children, that is.

  Children are entitled as absolute fuck now, they are whiny, and doctors created a fake illness to
  get so much money out of the fact. *
  wah wah, I know, "every generation things they were better than the one that comes after them",
  but this is a factually provable thing. Test scores are also down across the board.
  Fuck your naughty step. It never will work.

  * That being ADHD, ADHD is literally the HD part, lack of attention COMES with being hyper, it is
  part of the same territory. It is very exceptional for someone to have hyperactivity disorder AND
  have great focus. ADHD is a redundant illness.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/14(Mon)15:22 No.2624264

  What are rules.
Created: 8/12 -2014 17:26:54 Last modified: 8/12 -2014 21:33:10 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:56:23