File: 2014-11-09-jinx-hardcore-anal.swf-(1.58 MB, 620x720, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)00:12 No.2593685
/r/equesting denigrification
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)00:14 No.2593687
He's not black he's just really tan. He's probably a Mexican.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)00:24 No.2593704
But anon it's supposed to be Cy.
Cyborg is one of the only cool black superheroes next to Static Shock.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)00:27 No.2593707
She looks amputated and the sweat on her body is animated horribly. Not to change the fact the
art style is horrible. I can't fap to this
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)00:31 No.2593709
>Not liking cyborg
Are you gay or something?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)01:54 No.2593776
Let's see you do better.
Shad is based love, Shad is based life.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)02:01 No.2593782
You don't have to be a master chef to know when food tastes like shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/14(Mon)02:22 No.2593802
The background was done by shadman and the animation done by nevarky.