Archived flashes:
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This is resource MG4ZC0J, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/10 -2014 13:21:25

Ended:28/10 -2014 17:50:46

Checked:28/10 -2014 19:06:53

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: 2525.swf-(9.83 MB, 320x180, Anime)
[_] In the yeeeeaaaaa Anonymous 10/28/14(Tue)07:17 No.2578892

  twenty-five twenty-five

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/14(Tue)08:40 No.2578914

  does anyone know what anime this flash uses?
  i've found nge, serial experiments lain and i think paprika, but i didn't get any more than those.
  it is a pretty cool flash though

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/14(Tue)08:44 No.2578918

  Trigun, Evangelion, and lots more

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/14(Tue)08:56 No.2578924

  really trigun too?
  there was one other i just noticed from which i had to look up the name it was key the metal idol.
  i havent seen it just heard of it and i know what the main charcter looks like.

  but i'm really curious about the others, they looked pretty old but pretty cool, anyone know a
  name that hasn't been said here?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/14(Tue)09:00 No.2578925

  check the end for a list of anime used in the amv

>> [_] Ye Old KGBX 10/28/14(Tue)09:01 No.2578926

  Totally seen some Albator when he sings about the million tears of humanity. Saw some Hokuto No
  Ken scenes too.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/14(Tue)09:02 No.2578927

  thank you

>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/14(Tue)11:48 No.2579016

  the little blonde girl thats sitting on the ground in the dark place is Tima from the movie
  Metropolis, its a good movie. i cant get over how she charges up from the sun and her hair starts
  floating i just find it really kool
Created: 28/10 -2014 13:21:25 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 05:18:07 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:55:29