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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource RAOO5IG, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/11 -2014 23:02:42

Ended:25/11 -2014 01:58:18

Checked:25/11 -2014 02:18:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 34.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: flashgrid.swf-(28 KB, 800x600, Other)
[_] The Image Grid is back! Imagegrid 11/24/14(Mon)16:58 No.2609387

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)17:02 No.2609390

  The fuck is this

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)17:43 No.2609435

  I think it's broken.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:11 No.2609464

  is this...
  is this what I think it is?
  the best fucking flash ever?


  also why is it not working?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:24 No.2609472

  go die sick scum

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:26 No.2609474

  You can leave, SJW. 4chan is not for you

  But seriously, >>2609387
  I can upload things, but nothing is showing up. Are there instructions for this?
  It just stays blue

  What is its purpose?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:28 No.2609480

  4 chan has changed
  it's no longer your place

  we are here
  we are staying
  you can leave now
  the time has changed

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:31 No.2609482

  Ugh. You are the worst. You are the Britta of 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:32 No.2609485

  Says the sjw. I wont be pushed out by some limp wristed asshat such as yourself. None of us will.

  You are just going to have to accept this.

  I understand that there has been change, but the spirit that built this chan still exists. You
  are still the minority. and will always be just that.

  Its a losing battle for you. Your safe place is indeed tumblr. Go back there so you will be
  happy. I assure you your tiny ripple is not a tidal wave

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:32 No.2609486

  no u
  it's a picture sharing flash and there must be some difficulties showing them in this flash

  from what I could find in flash this is the site where it stores the pictures

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:32 No.2609487

  Not him, but fuck off you shitfaced liberal

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:33 No.2609488


>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:37 No.2609492

  I tried to find the older versions of this but I guess swfchan done goof'd and all the old
  flashes just vanished

  there used to be hundreds of pictures, and yes, there was also CP

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:38 No.2609493

  >all the old flashes just vanished

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:38 No.2609494

  >Britta of 4chan
  Houston, we have sides separation

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:38 No.2609495

  no you are the minority here shitface

  you will either leave or change with us
  that is a fact

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:39 No.2609498

  nvm I'm just blind

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:40 No.2609499


  >read it as Brita
  >as in the fucking water filters

  Houston, the sides have landed

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:44 No.2609502

  I'm sorry... Do you know what minority means? I'd like you to look at the responses in this
  thread. Nobody yet has agreed with you.
  That make you the minority.

  It was great to have this conversation with you, doll. But I'm going to end it as I don't
  converse with retards <3

  Have fun with your crusade, kitten.

>> [_] Captain_Ahab !uYPdNE/joA 11/24/14(Mon)18:50 No.2609506

  Just stop. We dont care.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:55 No.2609511

  >obvious bait is obvious

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)18:57 No.2609514

  Of course not.
  That's why you replied: to show how little you care.


>> [_] Captain_Ahab !uYPdNE/joA 11/24/14(Mon)19:00 No.2609515

  I am tired of all of the bickering. This is why I stepped in.

  Also, grow an awesome beard and kill a whale. Thats how

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:02 No.2609517

  are you seriously trying to push us out of here? good luck you beta cum sucking ass-rip piece of

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:04 No.2609518

  >still being liberal after based Republicans control Congress and will control the White house in
  2 years
  mfw some people are actually like this

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:05 No.2609519

  I like how ya'll took the bait.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:08 No.2609522

  >Implying that the person isn't actually that stupid

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:12 No.2609529

  nice dubs

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:13 No.2609530

  >has changed


>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:13 No.2609531

  >I-I was just pretending to be retarded
  why don't you go back to reddit? you don't have to hide that you are retarded there

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:13 No.2609532

  every time i click a cord. my document explorer opens up with my spider man pic folder, is it
  supposed to do that?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:15 No.2609533

  everything else is broken though

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:17 No.2609537

  how about reading the thread first you nigger? >>2609486

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/14(Mon)19:56 No.2609574

  Look we should all just treat this as a place meant for Anonymous, just because someone likes
  childporn doesnt mean you have to like it, but that also means you can gtfo and find something
  else to complain about. you'll never know who is who and youll never stop someone being anon, I
  mean unless your moot, in which case kind of cold in recent events.
Created: 24/11 -2014 23:02:42 Last modified: 25/11 -2014 02:18:29 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:24:33