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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Hey there /sp/ mod.swf-(8.77 MB, 240x160, Other) [_] /POL/ IS KILL HALP Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)16:20 No.2623251 >>>/pol/ >We're testing CAPTCHA-less posting on /pol/—feel free to give it a whirl. >EDIT: Now with legacy timers! >this kills the board Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)16:22 No.2623256 Good riddance. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:07 No.2623289 >>2623256 It's clearly been raided, but there is much sense as to what's happening. People are bringing up Tumblr and stuff and it's hard to make sense of it. Is Tumblr just a nickname for making fun of /pol/? Did someone hack it? It's all really confusing. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:13 No.2623291 >>2623289 I think moot is trying to put the nail in the coffin. added a bunch of wordfilters that inhibit free discussion, invited all the other boards to test no-captcha posting on /pol/, etc. doesn't matter though, we have 7 + 1 chan /pol/. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:13 No.2623292 >>2623289 moot just wanted everyone to raid and shit up /pol/, but looking at the catalog it's going back to normal pretty quickly. I'm not sure what it was about, maybe everyone calling him a cuck jew faggot. Either way it'll blow over in a little bit, might see an aftershock tomorrow or in a couple of days, but it's nothing to worry about. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:22 No.2623294 >>2623292 >but looking at the catalog it's going back to normal pretty quickly More like "looking at the catalog, it is clear that pol is now another /s4s/, and by extension /b/" >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:22 No.2623296 >/POL/ IS KILL Great. Hopefully it'll stay dead this time. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:30 No.2623299 >>2623294 It was worse earlier today, it's definitely simmering down. It is currently /b/ and /s4s/, but there are more threads of "what's going on and what do we do" than there were earlier, and there are less funposting threads. Shitstorm happened, but it's quieting down. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:41 No.2623311 Moot the cuckold is trying to suck up to his SJW masters so he can get money for a new "social media" site, since canvas was a failure. The first step is to eliminate the elements of 4chan that the SJWs hate. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)17:54 No.2623324 I don't get it it's like dropping a bomb on your own coutnry why doesn't he simply remove /pol/? or is he trying to get rid of inhabitants of /pol/ and get new ones? >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)18:05 No.2623339 >>2623292 They're claiming moot recently found out the girl he was trying to get with had a man on the side and is trying to stir /pol/ into a shitstorm. Might make sense given he's filtered 4chan into cuckchan. >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)18:11 No.2623346 >>2623339 >trying to stir /pol/ into a shitstorm. no need for moot, /pol/ stirs itself into a shitstorm every other day >> [_] Anonymous 12/07/14(Sun)18:12 No.2623348 >>2623346 moot knows about /pol/s samson option thing. If he wanted to remove it he'd call all mods on full force and remove it. It just seems like he wanted them to do something. |