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This is resource TDHKJM5, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/12 -2014 02:52:35

Ended:4/12 -2014 04:50:50

Checked:4/12 -2014 05:29:31

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 50.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Peach Drowning.swf-(814 KB, 495x800, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)20:31 No.2619389

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)20:37 No.2619392

  i don't understand why this exists

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)20:44 No.2619401

  me either...

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)20:54 No.2619418

  ugh good god that sound from her drawing in water instead of air or something


>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:05 No.2619429

  I'm not even a "moral fag" but seeing this made me ill because I know that the person who made
  this obviously gets off on it...

  At what point do you start getting off on drowning women? Worse than necrophilia..

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:09 No.2619435

  people get off to this?

  Goddamn fucking evil shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:11 No.2619439

  I was expecting bukake or something.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:15 No.2619444

  Probably when they started hating them. It's hard to enjoy imagining torturing something you
  don't hate.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:16 No.2619446

  lel lel lel
  Anon laughs at jokes about killing black people and jews, but draws an absolute line at drowning
  perfectly good fuckable white women.

  Anon, always on the cutting edge of stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:17 No.2619449

  I can't be the only one that got a little bit of a chub watching this

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:17 No.2619450

  yall niggas are bitches

  anyway this is more detailed that i expected

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:19 No.2619454

  >implying we want to torture them
  full fucking retard

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:22 No.2619459

  i went to the flash, hoping to drown a sonic character and hear the ever memorable drowning music
  it didn't happen
  i was quite disappointed.
  0/10, wouldn't drown again

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:22 No.2619461


  >Princess Peach is a nigger who would kill you for your wallet
  >Princess Peach is a jew that believes that you are a descendant of Amalek and that it is his
  duty to destroy you and all of his seed

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:23 No.2619463

  >mfw I agree with that logic, and yours is stupid
  >mfw I have no face

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:24 No.2619464

  this was oddly specific, still the OP delivered I guess.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:25 No.2619465

  >Princess Peach is a slut that keeps getting "kidnapped" by the same bad boy stereotype faggot
  and even has had several kids with this faggot, and still strings along some poor guy who has
  quite literally swam oceans, climbed mountains, brought down airships, and dodged bullets for her

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:26 No.2619466

  Mario is a cuck

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:27 No.2619467


  >Implying that disliking people that dislike you or talking shit about them is anywhere near
  getting off sexually to the most painful death imaginable to a character that is portrayed as

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:29 No.2619469

  >getting off sexually to the most painful death imaginable to a character that is portrayed as
  Eh, you can't really control what turns you on, I don't think you should be judged just because
  you like pictures of little kids or peach drowning. Also,
  >the most painful death imaginable

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:31 No.2619471

  it's not so much the most painful as one of the most terrifying

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:33 No.2619475

  PROTIP: press right character button, watch furry drown. All is well.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:34 No.2619477

  All these fucking normalfags

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:37 No.2619481

  eh kinda lame since im not really into this stuff. i think its interesting how they displayed a
  drowning as this seems alot different from like a hollywood drowning scene. You can actually see
  peach gulping down water in the last moments trying to breathe and she slowly becomes more
  relaxed due to the lack of oxygen. all in all kinda unsettling but to each their own

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:38 No.2619484


>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:41 No.2619487

  >Noone got hurt while I was working on this :)
  OK. Good to know.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:50 No.2619499

  >people actually getting offended by this
  >on 4chan

  My only issue was that she keeps letting out more air long after she should have run out. I guess
  you have to extend it long enough to finish fapping. She also stops struggling in the middle,
  which feels like it wouldn't happen.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)21:56 No.2619504


  the mere fact that I comprehend that "debate" or whatever kind of dialog it is means i've been
  spending way to much time here.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:00 No.2619509


>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:02 No.2619510

  ya, you should go.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:06 No.2619513

  Anyone know who all the characters arr in the flash?
  Not that deep into Mario lore.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:09 No.2619514

  Fun fact: At least 72 hours after taking in a lot of fluids your lungs may become irritated and
  drown you again in your own bodily fluids.

  This can occur if you pass out before expelling all the air in your lungs where you will wake up
  underwater hours after drowning the first time only to begin the process anew.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:11 No.2619515

  This is my fetish

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:12 No.2619517

  This gets me off.

  I love me some peachxbowser porn while mario watches

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:14 No.2619520

  >She also stops struggling in the middle, which feels like it wouldn't happen

  See >>2619481

  After you lose so much air your body doesn't really have enough oxygen to function and it relaxs
  you even though you are still scared and pumped full of adrenaline.

  You would have to literally be super human with a shitton of adrenaline pumping to still struggle
  after gulping in all that water.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:15 No.2619522

  >sounds like a dinosaur
  this guy

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:18 No.2619524


  Because someone had a fetish for drowning.

  When confused about a fetish, always try to understand the context within abstract ideas such as
  domination and plausible connections like resemblance to orgasm, intercourse, ect.

>> [_] Anyomous 12/03/14(Wed)22:18 No.2619525

  what is wrong with you implying things that arent even the truth?to let someone die like this and
  getting errected bye it is sick, and psychopathically in the same way. I like Peach she dont
  deserve that. Every Char in Mairo Party Games chases a fucking coin, that doesnt mean she is

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:20 No.2619528


  I'm pretty sure no modern jew with any power believes that, they like to argue "muh superiority"
  from an IQ standpoint now in days.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:28 No.2619542

  Somebody track this OP's IP and get him/(her?) taken into an asylum or sthg.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:29 No.2619543

  confirmed for never inhaling water

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:31 No.2619546

  Muh thought crimes

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:33 No.2619548

  >taken to an asylum
  >for making an animation depicting something nasty
  Ok, I don't get how someone gets off to this either, but really? The rest of the moralfags in
  here are reacting as anyone would expect, but throw them in an asylum? For an animation? Really?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:34 No.2619553

  POTENTIAL material crimes.
  Idea stabilized enough to make a flash with various characters and reuploading it several times
  to 4chan

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:36 No.2619554

  They have nice food there. And you don't have to work.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:40 No.2619556

  Well, the problem is that there's a period where she stops struggling and then she starts again.
  It's obvious you'd stop before the end, but I would imagine you wouldn't stop until after you'd
  expelled the last of your air.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:40 No.2619557

  OP has done nothing wrong. Yeah, it's sick, but it's also his right, as protected by the first
  amendment, to pump out whatever sick shit he wants, so long as no living person is actually
  harmed. That being said, if he's from the UK or something, he's probably already in jail for
  fictional violence against women or something.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:41 No.2619559

  Maybe it's supposed to be the first end to the struggle is her actually dying, and then the
  second struggle is just her neurons firing off randomly a bit afterwards? Not sure if that's
  realistic or not just trying to work out his logic.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:43 No.2619560

  >confirmed for never getting stung in the eyeball by wasps

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/14(Wed)22:47 No.2619566

  It's not that. The second round of struggling comes before the obvious death scene. I think it's
  just the animator wanting to focus on her breathing changes instead for that bit.

  Fuck you, anon. Don't even joke about shit like that.
Created: 4/12 -2014 02:52:35 Last modified: 4/12 -2014 05:30:03 Server time: 16/06 -2024 07:53:39