File: unbanned.swf-(596 KB, 512x470, Loop)
[_] Once again unbanned DMC 11/16/14(Sun)01:32 No.2599826
seriously 3 times in one night
Always remember this /f/riend
He does it for free
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)01:48 No.2599842
>> [_] silly face poster 11/16/14(Sun)01:49 No.2599843
restarting the modem works fine you know right
>> [_] DMC 11/16/14(Sun)01:53 No.2599848
leningrad - fish
its also in the flash if you resize the window
>> [_] DMC 11/16/14(Sun)02:00 No.2599852
Too much work
All I would've posted anyways was telling anon I had sex with his mom then call him a hetero
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)03:23 No.2599921
You see this wouldn't be a problem if you were on 8chan
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)03:38 No.2599931
Doesn't that only work with dynamic IPs? Not absolutely sure, but I thought if someone had a
static IP, they'd need to call their ISP and ask for it to be changed, and possibly wait around
for a couple days.
>> [_] DMC 11/16/14(Sun)03:48 No.2599934
8chan shill go home
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)05:07 No.2599980
Does anybody have static IPs? I thought those you needed to pay extra to have a static IP, and I
thought the only people prone to pay extra would be businesses and people who needed to host a
web service.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/14(Sun)05:11 No.2599985
damn OP dis good song