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This is resource YXTS82V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/12 -2014 02:10:47

Ended:7/12 -2014 04:41:10

Checked:7/12 -2014 05:13:26

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Ninja Re Bang Bang.swf-(9.79 MB, 480x270, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)19:55 No.2622483

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)19:59 No.2622485

  This anime is supposed to be really deep according to /a/. All I see is tits. This is what passes
  for deep these days?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:05 No.2622492

  >Judging the entirety of a multi-season anime (originating from an even larger series) by select
  scenes chosen for their appeal
  Yes anon, tits=deep

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:09 No.2622497


  Perhaps you could explain then - nothing I have seen shown of this has been anything different
  than what was displayed in this flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:14 No.2622500

  >>it's all tits
  Well, I don't know about that. Having seen it, I can say that about 90% of it is talking and
  Japanese puns that most foreign audiences wouldn't get.

  The rest of it is tits and ass. I just watch it because I find the visual style to be appealing.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:16 No.2622508


>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:25 No.2622522

  Man fuck /a/, they suck dicks.
  The whole anime is a clusterfuck of Japanese memes and pretentious art. You have to be native
  Japanese to get most of the puns and humor. As far as deep goes - the anime relies heavily upon
  dialogue which is written in a terrible Japanese poetry sort of manner, that for some people is

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:28 No.2622524

  Most of /a/ would not consider Bakemonogatari to be deep.

  If you're a fan of wordplay, interesting themes, and waifu wars, the show is perfect for you.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:29 No.2622525

  >Not immersing yourself in japanese culture before watching anime


>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:30 No.2622528

  You got "troled" idiots. You watch monogatari because the girls are cute, have interesting
  personalities, and the incredibly animated fanservice.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:31 No.2622529

  Japanese culture is objectively terrible.
  90% of anime is terrible.
  You are the pleb.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:31 No.2622531


  >waifu wars
  >incredibly animated fanservice

  As suspected. Anime a shit

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)20:34 No.2622535

  Go jerk off to my little pony or something then, faggot.

>> [_] !!BJiYgff8zf2 12/06/14(Sat)21:08 No.2622574

  >endless talking
  >stupid puns

  yeah no.

  and why would anyone even say that an anime is deep other than for trolling purposes? if I want
  deep I'd go read a book. nobody watches anime for gaining wisdom and insight

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)21:33 No.2622600

  Nothing is deep you faggots, deep is just a word people use to praise something they like or to
  deny as a property of something they don't like

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)21:39 No.2622606

  Your mom is vaginally deep.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)22:17 No.2622635

  I've watched all of the Monogatari Series. It's really, honestly the best series I've ever seen.
  i don't watch a lot of anime, though... I've only seen maybe 8 series including SAO, Eureka 7,
  Mitsudomoe, and i like stuff like House MD. The thing that makes Monogatari so good is the art
  and the humor. The style it was directed is in a way that compliments the manga it was based on.
  You can even see manga-style dialogue hundreds of times throughout the series to get a little
  "more," but you subliminally pick it up anyway so you don't have to pause if you don't feel like
  it. I want to learn Japanese so I can watch this show without moving my eyes to the subtitles
  (English dubs are for plebs.)

  btw this flash is cute as hell

>> [_] Anonymous 12/06/14(Sat)22:39 No.2622649

  based off a manga? it's adapted from a light novel dingus
Created: 7/12 -2014 02:10:47 Last modified: 7/12 -2014 05:13:27 Server time: 05/01 -2025 03:49:24